How to create photography website in a minute or less 2

All those who are enthusiastic about photography, having a photography website is beneficial as it is a great way to show not only your work to the world but also your talent and commitment to the art of photography. That’s not all, it also helps you to reach your prospective clients and helps to build a personal brand.

Photography website can be built with ease with WYSIWYG tools, WordPress and Squarespace, but there exists little downside with these tools, you need to manually update them either every few weeks or fortnight.


Creating a website using WordPress is not only easy, but also fast, you need to have good content ready for this and some basic web application awareness. The reason why many prefer to use WordPress is because of two major reasons one is security and the other is search engine optimization.

Tools you require

  • WordPress theme
  • WordPress
  • Domain name
  • Web hosting services


This is a brand new web app created by ex-Abode employees . You need not update manually every few weeks or fortnight but instead build it and forget it. It helps to monitor not only Instagram account but other social networks as well. It automatically creates a portfolio website by importing your ‘best’ photographs. The ’best’ pix from varied social accounts are synced and a portfolio website is created. It is advantageous because other internet site builders do require individuals to manually upload the photos.

If you have an Instagram account, by using your Instagram page and Siftr, you can create photography website in less than a minute. The website created is very responsive and also does look great even on mobile too.

Inventive Categories like Google Snapshots

You might be wondering as to why would anyone require this sort of software when similar performance can be recorded using WordPress through offering such as IFTTT. For example,to routinely cross-publish your best photographs to WordPress faster, you need Flickr or FB.

Siftr offers much more than mere syncing photos from social networks. It uses object recognition techniques in order to automatically classify your photos in varied categories. For instance, there exist different categories such as people, building, nature and photos are tagged automatically based on pixels. In case, if your prospective client is only interested in landscape photographs then you can direct them to the relevant tag.

It also offers a number of design templates as well as alternatives to get rid of numerous graphics which you do not wish to have them for your photography Website. Siftr not only helps you import pics from Flickr, Instagram and facebook, but it also adds aid for 500px too, including all the trendy destinations you are more prone to add pix.

Five Things to Consider while Designing

You should remember your photography website design is not mere your online identity but your business card. First impression should always be best. Hence properly tailored website would help make your art perfect.

Best Hosting

For a blog or for a business website having low-resolution images in order to assist the main text would be fine, but the opposite is true for a photographic portfolio. The main attraction of the website lies with the high-resolution images. Hence, it is essential to have images which strike a balance between loading time and image quality.

Your Bio

What made you pursue photography? Does it run in the family or have you put all your efforts to turn your passion into a profession. While writing your bio, try to make it very fascinating to your readers, so that you can convince them that you are the one who has experience, motivation and attitude to create the best content for them.

Responsive Gallery

The majority of visitors to your website would be accessing your portfolio using mobile devices. We can find the number of portable devices is on the rise and in order to make your website best in every situation, a responsive theme is crucial.

A Shopping Cart

Adding a shopping cart to a photography website is easy, based on your preference, you can also enable payment as well as ordering using online terminals. We find most websites usually use third party websites to enable ordering of prints and purchase of digital files. All you need to do is to add a link to your image that enables customers to purchase from another trusted agency where you can host your photos.


A blog is an essential feature of photography portfolios. The life of a photographer is interesting, hence, people like to follow the artists they admire the most. While writing blogs carefully chose short and expressive captions which would help add subtle touch of playfulness and also mystery to your images which can completely change the experience of your clients.

Updated on: 12-May-2022


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