How to create Linked Unordered listviews using jQuery Mobile?

It is imperative to craft a website that is receptive to user interactions and highly convenient to use. A pivotal element in accomplishing this is by presenting data in a lucid and structured form. Linked unordered lists are one means of accomplishing this goal, as they can be a powerful technique to showcase a substantial volume of information on a web page while still ensuring smooth navigation. In this article, we shall scrutinize the creation of interrelated unsorted listviews with the aid of jQuery Mobile - a highly potent and versatile framework that is utilized for the development of mobile-responsive web pages. We shall inspect this approach thoroughly, offering a well-explained tutorial on how to execute it in your personal projects. By the time you reach the conclusion of this composition, you shall possess a sound comprehension of how to create linked unordered listviews employing jQuery Mobile, and appreciate the positive influence it can exert on the user experience of your website.

Getting Started with jQuery Mobile

Before we dive into the process of creating a flip toggle switch, you need to make sure you have the jQuery Mobile library included in your project. You can download it from the official website or include it from a CDN.

ListView() Method

In the jQuery Mobile library, the "listview()" method is employed to prime and upgrade an unordered list element into a listview widget that is well-suited for mobile devices with supplementary characteristics such as organization, filtration, and styling. This particular operation can be executed on a singular list item or on a wrapping element that holds a multitude of lists. The "listview()" function is equipped with a multitude of arguments that can be used to tailor the aesthetic and operational qualities of the listview, including but not limited to data-inset, data-filter, data-divider-theme, and data-divider-theme.



In this particular circumstance, the phrase "selector" refers to an essential argument that specifies the precise element or group of elements that the listview functionality is intended for. This could pertain to an individual element, an assemblage of elements, or a string selector that matches with one or more elements.


To fabricate a correlated enumeration of unordered items with a distinctive style using jQuery Mobile, the subsequent actions can be executed −

  • Initially, it is imperative to incorporate the requisite repositories and style sheets for jQuery Mobile from an external source. This encompasses the jQuery library, the jQuery Mobile library, and a style sheet that provides the default presentation for jQuery Mobile components.

  • Next, we define the structure of the page using the "page" element, which is a special container element provided by jQuery Mobile that is optimized for mobile pages. The page consists of a header, a main content area, and a footer.

  • Within the main content area, we define an unordered list element that will serve as our listview. We set the "data-role" attribute of this list element to "listview" to indicate that it should be enhanced by jQuery Mobile into a mobile-friendly listview widget.

  • The listview contains multiple list items, each of which is a hyperlink that points to a different page. The links are created using anchor elements inside the list items, and are given a unique ID that corresponds to the ID of the destination page.

  • Finally, we add some JavaScript code to initialize the listview and ensure that it is styled and functional when the page is loaded. This code uses the "listview()" function provided by jQuery Mobile to enhance the unordered list element into a listview widget, and is triggered when the "pagecreate" event occurs


The following is the final code which we are going to utilise in this article −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to create Linked Unordered listviews using jQuery Mobile?</title>
   <script src=""></script>
   <link rel="stylesheet"
   href="" />
   <script src=""></script>
   <h4>How to create Linked Unordered listviews using jQuery Mobile?</h4>
   <div data-role="page">
      <div data-role="header">
         <h1>Linked Unordered Listview</h1>
      <div role="main" class="ui-content">
         <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-filter="true">
            <li><a href="#page1">Item 1</a></li>
            <li><a href="#page2">Item 2</a></li>
            <li><a href="#page3">Item 3</a></li>
      <div data-role="footer">
         <h4>Footer content</h4>
      $(document).on("pagecreate", function () {


In summation, concatenated unsorted catalogue views are an influential functionality of jQuery Mobile that can facilitate the augmentation of the user experience of your mobile web application. By pursuing the procedures elaborated in this composition, you can effortlessly produce and modify your personal concatenated unsorted catalogue views. Remember to keep in mind the best practices we’ve discussed, such as organizing your lists and providing clear and concise link text. With a bit of practice and experimentation, you can create listviews that are both functional and visually appealing, and that help your users navigate your application with ease. So give it a try, and see how linked unordered listviews can improve your mobile web application today!

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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