How to create bullets using li elements?

The <li> element is used to define list items within an ordered list (<ol>) or an unordered list (<ul>). The <li> element stands for "list item". Bullets are often used only for unordered lists. In HTML, unordered lists are created using the <ul> element and each list item is defined using the <li> elements.


ul {
   list-style-type: disc;

The list-style-type property allows us to specify the type of marker, such as bullets, squares, circles, numbers, or letters, that will be displayed with each <li> element.

The default bullet style for the unordered list(</ul>) is Disc.

Example 1

In this example, we are going to create default-style disc bullets for an unordered list and also demonstrate the creation of bullets for nested lists using <li> elements.


  • Upload a style section consisting of CSS styles for the page.

  • Style the list and list items as desired, including setting the list-style-type property to "disc" for bullet points.

  • Add an unordered list with some list items using (<li>)elements that represent different fruits

  • Create a nested list of food items including fruits vegetables and drinks using <li> elements with default bullet style (disc).

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>(Example)Create Bullets List using li elements</title>
   <!-- CSS styling for the document -->
      body {
         background-color: #f2f2f2;
         font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
      h2 {
         color: #333;
         font-size: 24px;
         margin-bottom: 10px;
      ul {
         list-style-type: disc; /* specifies disc as the list item marker */
         margin-left: 20px;
         margin-bottom: 20px;
      li {
         color: #666;
         font-size: 18px;
         margin-bottom: 5px;
   <h2>Fruits List</h2>
   <!-- Unordered List of Fruits -->
   <h2>Nested List</h2>
   <!-- Nested List Example -->
      <!-- First level item -->
      <!-- Second level with Fruits and Vegetables -->
         <!-- Third level unordered list of Fruits -->
         <!-- Third level unordered list of Vegetables -->
      <!-- Second level unordered list of Drinks -->

Example 2

Here, using the list-style-type property, we will construct multiple bullet styles and assign them to our list of items.


  • Define three unique styles for the unordered list using CSS. Set the list-style-type to "circle," "square," or "disc," and then give each style a colour.

  • Using the ul selector element, create an unordered list.

  • Set the class property for each list to "circle", "square", or "disc" depending on the style you desire for that list.

  • Create several list items with the li element within each ul element. Each li element represents a single list item.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Creating Bullets Using li Elements</title>
      /* Set left margin of all unordered lists to 30px */
      ul {
         margin-left: 30px; 
      /* Use circle to create circle bullets and set the colour to red */
      .circle {
         list-style-type: circle; 
         color: red; 
      /* Use square to create square bullets and set the colour to green */
      .square {
         list-style-type: square; 
         color: green; 
      /* Use disc to create disc bullets and set the colour to blue */
      .disc {
         list-style-type: disc; 
         color: blue; 
   <!-- Create a heading for the page -->
   <h1>Creating Bullets Using li Elements</h1>
   <!-- Create an unordered list with circle bullets and items related to beverages -->
   <h2>List of beverages</h2>
   <ul class="circle">
      <li>Orange Juice</li>
   <!-- Create an unordered list with square bullets and items related to programming languages -->
   <h2>Different Programming Languages</h2>
   <ul class="square">
   <!-- Create an unordered list with disc bullets and items related to cities -->
   <h2>Popular cities</h2>
   <ul class="disc">
      <li>New York</li>


Bullets are a versatile and powerful way to present information in a way that is easy to study and apprehend. Some common use instances for bullets consist of featuring capabilities, outlining steps, presenting alternatives, Summarising key factors and creating lists.

Unicode characters: They are a form of character encoder that permits a huge variety of special characters and symbols.

CSS pseudo-elements: It permits us to create decorative elements that can be added to HTML elements, we use the ‘::before’ or ‘::after’ pseudo-factors to add custom bullet factors to our lists.

JavaScript libraries: There are numerous JavaScript libraries that can be used to create custom bullet points and other visual outcomes. A few famous libraries are jQuery, D3.js, and Snap.svg.

Updated on: 31-Aug-2023


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