How to Create a Use Case Diagram?

Many consider, WordPress to be a great management tool. It is popular among website owners, and more importantly, those who indulge in blogging. It definitely makes blogger’s life easy, even though it has rigid framework, yet it is flexible. It offers numerous options for customizing the website, through design and functionality and numerous plugins in order to help you with different aspects. However, you are required to setup WordPress properly to make the most out of it.

Brief History of WordPress

In the year 2003, the 1st version of WordPress was released. It is an open source project, licensed under GPLV2. In the last ten years, WordPress has become not only popular, but also a successful platform for creating websites and blogs.

  • WordPress provides two variations of software. and
  • The is a free blogging platform whereas is a self-hosted WordPress blog.
  • Delete the default admin login and create new.
  • This step is crucial, but many bloggers prefer to skip it, by default, WordPress has an admin lever user account named “admin”.

After you install WordPress on your site, you will be logged in and working on your website through the default admin user account. To add new, go to users and click new, a form would appear, fill the details in the fields, thus by doing so, you are creating an admin account for yourself, so that you can use to login and work on your site. Please remember, do not use admin or other generic names for username. You need to ensure you click on the drop down “role and then select “administrator”.

  • By creating a new admin account − Login to your site using the new account. Again, go to users and then click on all users. Delete the original “admin” account in the list. When you publish any blog, your name will be published instead of admin.
  • Set time zone, change the site title and tagline − These are the most basic things, but most bloggers forget them. These things help you kick start your website with a professional touch, it also helps SEO purpose.
  • Delete the Default content − Similar like default admin user account. The WordPress does have some default content, to be precise, it has default post and page, delete them.
  • WordPress Permalink should be setup − Choose wisely a permalink that goes well with a blog post title that you write. It is crucial and might affect your SEO.
  • Normally, the bloggers tend to leave the date-wise structure. By default, you are required to select “Day and Name” permalink structure.
  • Installation of Cache plugin − When you install cache plugin, your site speed improves and also helps to provide user experience. The information is cached and copies are kept. So, whenever someone tries to access your site, the information would be delivered via the cached content.
  • You should either install WP super Cache or W3 Total Cache − Both the plugin are very effective and they have setup options.
  • Reading setting should be configured − Do you have a landing page for your front page? Do you wish to display your latest blog posts on your front. You can do it, in front page setting.
  • SEO plugin Yoast should be installed and set it up − This is an awesome plugin, which takes care of all basic SEO set-up on your site.
  • Upload your Premium Theme − WordPress comes with few free themes, but if you desire your website to be highly optimized and wish to load your theme pretty fast and offer your users a great experience or wish to customize the way you wish then must get yourself a premium theme.
  • Delete unused WordPress Themes and Plugins − You must delete all the themes because when you keep unused themes on your site, it might cause unwanted trouble. Increase the security of your WordPress website.
  • Make it Safe − Even though WordPress is a wonderful platform for website owners, but still you need to make sure your website is safe.
  • Your User profile should be complete − Depending on how you set up, your user profile might appear on your website. It might appear, author bio below every post you publish or it may appear in “About” in the sidebar. This helps your readers to know more about you and they may get connected to you.
  • Install Search Console or Google Analytics − If you aim to track both visitor details and your site traffic and also aim to get feedback from search engines like Google, you must install Google Analytics and Search Console. Google Analytics, help understand your visitors and search console helps you search crawl status, search status and much more, for your website.
  • Favicon – Create and Upload − The Favicon is a small icon, which appears on the left of the address bar. It helps in branding, especially when users have numerous tabs open, a favicon would help them easily identify your website is on which tab.
  • Contact and About page should be created − If you wish to get connected with your readers, then it is significant to have both contact and about page. It is advisable to have Contact form 7 plugin.
  • Discussion setting should be updated − Comments are significant for a website especially if you have a blog. Well, whether you prefer have comments enabled on particular blog or not, it depends on your preference.
  • Now Go ahead and create content for your Website − Well, you have done all the above things, you can go ahead and create content for your website by writing and then publishing what you have written.
  • On there are major limitation, which include
    • Cannot install third party plugins
    • Limited theme choices
    • Third party plugins, cannot be installed
  • But incase of, it offers complete solution for individuals who wish to start a blog for the purpose of making money, for promotion of a small business or any other user like creating and E-commerce site.

  • You can

-Install third party themes and create a custom theme -Monetize it, anyway you prefer -Install third party plugins

  • How much does it cost to start a blog on WordPress Site?
  • Everyone knows that hosting blog can be a costly affair and in many bloggers’ mind, the question arises as to how they need to spend for hosting WordPress blog.
  • There is no upper limit, if you wish to make blog investment. But definitely you require to spend a decent amount to make your blog, a professional blog, which you can share it with all with pride.

Updated on: 16-Jan-2020


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