How to Create a Technical SEO Strategy for 2023

The importance of a company's online presence is rising as we progress deeper into the digital age. A solid technical SEO strategy is a major factor in this. Regarding crawling ability, user experience, and click-through rate (CTR), technical Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is as important as content SEO. SEO improves a website's visibility in search results for a target keyword or set of keywords.

The only thing is Google’s algorithm is continually evolving, with upgrades and tweaks occurring up to 600 times a year. Google is always looking for ways to enhance the quality of its search results. This means it becomes increasingly difficult for solid technical SEO strategy professionals to adjust their strategies in response to Google's ever-evolving algorithm.

Technical SEO strategy helps you increase your website’s accessibility, search engine crawling, and indexing. Simply put, a solid technical SEO strategy improves your site's search engine rankings by enhancing the user experience and decreasing SEO-related problems.

A strong technical SEO strategy ultimately boosts your blog's search engine rankings and user satisfaction. Let's discuss how to put it to use to boost your search engine results and revenue. Let's get down to brass tacks.

1) Make Your Content Mobile-Friendly

Now if you create two sites, one for desktop and one for mobile users, then Google will penalize you. Why so? Because when two sites have the same content, it's duplicity. And Google does not accept duplicate content.

Also, Google's newest algorithm, "Mobilegeddon," penalizes websites not optimized for mobile use. Hence, the site's visibility in mobile search results suffers. Therefore, you should prioritize making your site accessible on mobile devices. These are the recommendations for how you can achieve that −

  • You won't have to build a separate mobile site as a technical SEO strategy. Since Google penalizes duplicate content, having separate websites for desktop and mobile users containing the same information is not a good idea.

  • Ensure your site is responsive to be seen comfortably on various screen sizes. It uses responsive graphics, layouts, and media queries cascading down the sheet. It will automatically adjust to the visitor's device and display content appropriately.

  • Using the viewport meta element, you may instruct your browser to scale the page to fit the screen. The browser's rendering engine looks at the viewport to define how content gets resized and sized. If you want your content to adapt to various screen sizes, you'll need to use the viewport meta tag.

2) Crawlability Testing

Crawlability refers to how easily search engine bots can access and index the pages on your site. Websites with links that search engines can't easily follow have poor crawl ability. If your site is tough to crawl, you will have difficulty climbing the search engine ranks.

In 2023, Google will be able to crawl your websites and resources like CSS and Javascript. Inaccessible CSS files are a UX killer since search engines can't access them. Search engines like Google will not index the dynamic information on your site if your Javascript is not crawlable.

Use Xenu's Link Sleuth to learn more about the crawling technical SEO strategy of different search engines for your website. If this tool can't access a certain website, it's safe to presume that search engine crawlers won't be able to either.

3) Tracking your EAT Signals

You should maintain signals of expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (EAT) wherever possible on a website to improve its long-term search engine rankings. Since 2014, Google has implemented EAT into Google's search system and Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Although this isn't a ranking criterion, it does help Google decide if the content benefits readers.

Google does this because it knows that many people rely on its search results to make crucial life choices, so it wants to provide only reliable, relevant, and helpful information.

This is why the E-A-T signals of a website matter. It’s how Google measures your credibility. Every change, tweak, and set of guidelines aims to enhance website visitors' quality of life.

4) The importance of HTTPS

Have you ever wondered why "S" is in "HTTP"? Specifically, "SSL" refers to the "Secure Sockets Layer" protocol. It's the method by which data sent between your computer and a website gets encrypted. This is crucial to keep hackers from stealing personal information from your site.

5) Speed

Websites with faster page loading times tend to have a lower bounce rate, and Google's ranking algorithm takes this into account as well. You can do many other things on your own time and with little effort. But if you lack extensive technical SEO strategy knowledge, you will likely need the assistance of an SEO or website design firm.

Another option is Google's PageSpeed tools. It will evaluate the site's content, provide feedback on your "Speed Index" score, and suggest improvements to help speed up page loads.

6) Identical Intent Searching

Do you have any idea what your readers need to know about the things you want to cover? You may assume they are familiar with the fundamentals of a topic like an influencer marketing and are interested in the finer points, or vice versa.

Google favors sites that provide the right info that users are actively seeking. What terms do members of your ideal customer profile frequently type into Google? Do they look to the web for beginner's guidance, real-world examples, or pointers?

Checking what appears on the first page of search results is one technical SEO strategy to ensure your material is relevant to users' needs. How well do your articles address those topics? If not, take this as a chance to update any of your older material to suit better what your audience is looking for on the web.


Contrary to popular belief, technical SEO strategy is not rocket science. The consequences of neglecting it for SEO might be severe. Pay attention to the gaps and learn how Google ranks your site if you want to boost your website's traffic and revenue. Here's where you will save time and resources by reading our comprehensive technical SEO strategy tutorial.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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