How to create a simple Recursive Function in Golang?

In this tutorial, we are going to see how we can write a simple recursive function Golang with the help of an algorithm and, examples. In the first example, we will print the number from 1 to N in ascending order similarly in the other example we are going to print the number from 1 to N in descending order.

In terms of programming, a function is a recursive function if we are calling the function in the same function and have a base condition. Whenever the base condition is satisfied the calling of the function is stopped and we start rolling back to the last step where the function is called.


func functionName(arguments) returnType {

   // Base condition
   // Function calling according to the logic

Example 1

In this example, we are going to see the recursive function to print the first 10 numbers in ascending order in Golang.

package main
import (

   // fmt package provides the function to print anything
func printAscendingOrder(number int) {

   // base condition of the function whenever the number becomes zero the function calls will stop
   if number == 0 {
   // calling the function within the function to make it recursive also, passing the number one lesser than the current value
   printAscendingOrder(number - 1)
   // printing the value of the number in
   // the current function calling the state
   fmt.Printf("%d ", number)
func main() {

   // declaring the variable
   var number int
   // initializing the variable
   number = 10
   fmt.Println("Golang program to print the number in ascending order with the help of a simple recursive function.")
   // calling the recursive function


Golang program to print the number in ascending order with the help of a simple recursive function.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Example 2

In this example, we are going to see the recursive function to print the first 10 numbers in descending order in Golang.

package main
import (

   // fmt package provides the function to print anything
func printDescendingOrder(number int) {

   // base condition of the function whenever the number becomes zero the function calls will stop
   if number == 0 {
   // printing the value of the number in the current function calling the state
   fmt.Printf("%d ", number)
   // calling the function within the function to make it recursive also, passing the number one lesser than the current value
   printDescendingOrder(number - 1)
func main() {

   // declaring the variable
   var number int
   // initializing the variable
   number = 10
   fmt.Println("Golang program to print the number in descending order with the help of a simple recursive function.")
   // calling the recursive function


Golang program to print the number in descending order with the help of a simple recursive function.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


This is the way to create a simple recursive function in Golang with two examples where we have printed the numbers from 1 to N in ascending and descending order. To learn more about Golang you can explore these tutorials.

Updated on: 11-Jan-2023


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