How to Create a Hidden Div without a Line Break or Horizontal Space?

The HTML division tag, abbreviated "div," is a special element that allows you to group together similar sets of content on a web page. It can be used as a generic container to group together similar content. The <div> tag is thus used to divide an HTML document into sections. CSS styles can also be applied to multiple elements at once by using the <div> tag.

The div tag is versatile; we can use it to accomplish a variety of tasks on a web page. We mostly use it in web layouts and CSS art, but it's extremely versatile. It is used in pairs. The text is written in the space between the opening (<div>) and closing (</div>) tags.

Here is a generic example of a div tag which shows how multiple elements can be grouped together in a single container and can be styled at once.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Example of Div</title>
    border: 3px solid deeppink;
<h1>A Div Element</h1>

<div class="DivElement">
    <h3>We are inside a div element</h3>
    <h4>We are inside a div element</h4>
    <h5>We are inside a div element</h5>

The “hidden” Property

The HTML Element property hidden is a Boolean value that is true if the element is hidden and false otherwise. The hidden attribute can also be used to prevent a user from viewing an element until a different condition is met (like selecting a checkbox, etc.).

The element could then be made visible by removing the hidden attribute. This property is used content that is not yet relevant but may be needed later; and content that was previously required but is no longer required.

A <div> element can also be made invisible using the hidden attribute. A hidden div element is not visible, but it remains on the page. It is redisplayed when the hidden attribute is removed.


Following is the syntax

<div hidden>
<div hidden="hidden">


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Example of Div</title>
<h1>A Div Element</h1>
<div class="DivElement" hidden="hidden">
    <h3>We are inside a div element</h3>
    <h4>We are inside a div element</h4>
    <h5>We are inside a div element</h5>

Hiding Div without Horizontal Space or Line Break

As we already discussed, a hidden div element is not visible but still occupies space on the page. In a scenario where we have to create a hidden div element without a line break or horizontal space, we have to opt for alternate methods.

The easiest method that one could think of would be setting the visibility property to hidden. The visibility property determines whether an element is visible or not. Following is the syntax

<div id=" " style="visibility: hidden">

Unfortunately, this method is not full proof as it still creates a new line.

The Display: Inline Property

The second easier alternative that might seem like it could work would be to use the display: inline property along with the visibility: hidden property.

<div id="divCheckbox" style="visibility: hidden; display: inline;">

This method gets rid of the line but still takes up horizontal space on the page, proving to be ineffective.

However, there's a solution to this problem. rather than using the above methods, we will use the display property set to “none”, which can hide the element from the document without adding a line break or space.

Using the “display” Property

The most important CSS property for controlling layout is the display property. It specifies the display behaviour (the sort of rendering box) of an element.

The HTML specifications or the browser/user default sheet are used to determine the default display property value. counting on the type of element, every HTML element features a default display value. The default display values for most elements are block or inline. Following is the syntax –

element {
   display: value;

When we set an element's display property to none, it's completely removed from the page and has no effect on the layout. All the descendant elements have their display turned off also . This also means devices such as screen readers, which make websites accessible to the blind, are going to be unable to access the element. All the descendant elements have their display turned off.


In this example we will see how we can create a hidden div without having a line break or horizontal space by setting the display property to none.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>How to Create a Hidden Div without a Line Break or Horizontal? Space?</title>
      #hiddenDiv {
        display: none;
    <h1>Hidden Div Tag</h1>
    <p>There is a hidden div element below.</p>
    <div id="hiddenDiv">This is the hidden div.</div>

Updated on: 11-Sep-2023


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