How to create a function `generateSelector` to generate CSS selector path of a DOM element ?

The generateSelector method is a helpful tool for determining the path to a specific portion of a website known as a DOM element. Understanding how CSS selectors work and how to build them can be useful in a variety of situations, such as testing automation or the construction of shortcuts for easy element selection. We will discuss the function's concept and offered a clear example of how to use it in this article.

Imagine you want to make a change to one specific element on a website. But how do you know what selector to use? That's where our generateSelector function comes in! This function will take a specific element on a website and give us the selector that we can use to change it.

Understanding CSS Selectors

Before we delve into the creation of the generateSelector function, it's crucial to understand what CSS selectors are and the principles behind their operation.

CSS selectors are patterns employed to select the HTML elements on a page that require styling. They are a fundamental aspect of CSS stylesheets, serving as a means to apply styles to specific elements.


The following CSS rule utilizes a selector to target all <p> elements on a page and assigns the style property of color to red −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      p {
         color: red;
   <p>This text will be red.</p>


The p in the CSS rule is the selector. CSS selectors can be much more complex than just the tag name of an element. They can be used to select elements based on their class, ID, attribute values, and more. For example −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      #main-header {
         background-color: blue;
   <header id="main-header">
      <h1>My website</h1>
   <!-- other content here -->

This CSS rule selects an element with an ID of "main-header" and applies the "backgroundcolor: blue" style to it.

Creating the generateSelector Function

Having been introduced to the concept of CSS selectors, which serve as a means of identifying and targeting specific elements within a web page for styling purposes, we can now proceed to the creation of the generateSelector function. This function will accept a DOM (Document Object Model) element as an input, and in return, it will furnish the CSS selector path of that particular element.


function generateSelector(element) {
   let selectors = [];

To commence, we will initiate an empty array referred to as "selectors". This array will serve as a container for the selectors that we generate for the given DOM element as we traverse and inspect its ancestral elements.


while (element) {
   let selector = '';
   if (element.tagName === 'HTML') {
      selector = 'html';

As we iterate over each ancestor, we will generate a selector for it. We will start by checking if the element is the <html> element. If it is, we will add the string 'html' to the selector variable

For all other elements, we will check if the element has an ID. If it does, we will use the ID as the selector. If not, we will use the element's tag name and its class name(s) as the selector.


else {
   if ( {
      selector = '#' +;
   } else {
      selector = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
      if (element.className) {
         selector += '.' + element.className.replace(/\s+/g, '.');

After generating the selector, we will add it to the selectors array and move on to the next ancestor by setting element equal to element.parentNode.


   element = element.parentNode;

Finally, we will use the join() method to join all the selectors in the selectors array and return the resulting CSS selector path as a string.


return selectors.join(' > ');{

Using the generateSelector Function

Now that we have the generateSelector function implemented, let's see how it can be used in practice.

For example, let's say you have the following HTML −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <div id="myDiv">
      <p>Hello World</p>
   <div id="result"></div>
      function generateSelector(element) {
         let selectors = [];
         while (element) {
            let selector = '';
            if ( {
               selector = '#' +;
            } else {
               selector = element.tagName;
            element = element.parentNode;
         return selectors.join(' > ');
      window.onload = function(){
         // Select the <p> element and get its CSS selector path
         const p = document.querySelector("p");
            const selector = generateSelector(p);
            document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = selector;
            console.log("Error : Element not found");

It's important to note that this is just one example and the selector will be different based on the element you pass to the function and the structure of your HTML.

Updated on: 21-Feb-2023


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