How to create a fixed social media icon bar with CSS?

Following is the code to produce a fixed social media icon bar with CSS −


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<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"
   integrity="sha384-wvfXpqpZZVQGK6TAh5PVlGOfQNHSoD2xbE+QkPxCAFlNEevoEH3Sl0sibVcOQVnN" crossorigin="anonymous" />
*::after {
   box-sizing: border-box;
main {
   margin-left: 300px;
.SocialBar {
   position: fixed;
   display: block;
   top: 30%;
   font-size: 0;
   width: 200px;
   border: 2px solid darkgreen;
   box-shadow: 5px 10px 18px rgb(55, 173, 39);
button {
   display: block;
   width: 100%;
   margin: 0px;
   border: none;
   padding: 15px;
   font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;
   font-weight: bold;
   font-size: 20px;
button:not(:last-child) {
   border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(6, 134, 49);
button:hover {
   background: black;
   box-shadow: 5px 10px 18px rgb(20, 20, 20);
<div class="SocialBar">
<button><i class="fa fa-facebook-f" style="color:#3B5998"></i></button>
<button><i class="fa fa-hashtag" style="color:#55ACEE"></i></button>
<button><i class="fa fa-linkedin" style="color:#007bb5"></i></button>
<h1>Social Media Links</h1>
<h2>Hover over the above links to see hover effects</h2>
<h2>Visit us on any of the above social media</h2>
<h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In fringilla, enim a fringilla semper,
neque eros aliquam massa, ut porta arcu justo et metus. In aliquet justo non lorem condimentum,
in rutrum lorem vestibulum. Aliquam et ornare tellus. Mauris eu nisi ac ante vestibulum fermentum
ac nec enim. Integer sed aliquet nisi. Nullam semper lorem sed sem gravida, in euismod urna posuere.
Cras porta neque non sapien maximus placerat. Morbi imperdiet faucibus orci. Maecenas eu ipsum metus.


The above code will produce the following output −

On scrolling the page and hovering on one of the social media icons −

Updated on: 06-Apr-2020


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