How to Create a Combined Child Selector in SASS?

Systematically Awesome Style Sheets, or Sass, is an extension to the core CSS language that performs the role of a pre-processor. Its main goal is to enhance CSS with more advanced features and a more sophisticated look. Sass gives developers the ability to use a completely CSS-compatible syntax by permitting the use of variables, nested rules, mixins, inline imports, inheritance, and other capabilities.

Sass positions itself as a very strong and effective extension language for CSS, expertly defining the style of documents in a thorough and organised way. Its fundamental value comes from its capacity to manage large style sheets efficiently, encouraging organisation and quick execution while simultaneously providing seamless handling of smaller style sheets.


A construct that clarifies the connection among selectors is called a combinator. A combinator could be used in a CSS environment where a selector has the ability to subsume many basic selectors.

In CSS, there's a total of four distinct combinators:

  • Descendant selector (space)

  • Child selector (>)

  • Adjacent sibling selector (+)

  • General sibling selector (~)

Just child selectors will be the subject covered in this article.

Child selector

All elements that are directly children of a chosen element are chosen using the child selector. The following example illustrates the selection of all

elements that are children of a

element as an illustration:

div > p {
   background-color: blue;
-color: blue;


Let's begin by exploring how to create a combined child selector in SASS right away. In SASS, one can find several ways to construct a combined child selector. Please take note of examples that are given below.

Without the combined child selector, one would probably use a technique such to this one:

card {
  1	outer {
      inner {
         color: blue;


The nested architecture within a designing language, like CSS, is represented by the code above. A "card" component is declared at the beginning, which comes next by an opening curly bracket. Here is a "outer" component inside the "card" component that is specified by an additional initial curly bracket. There is a "inner" component that has the attribute "color" configured for blue within the "outer" component. Two concluding curly brackets are used to signify the completion of both the "outer" and "card" components, correspondingly, before the code is finished. According to this construction, the "inner" component is encased by the "outer" component, and is itself encased by the "card" component. The "color: blue;" attribute indicates the reason why the "inner" element's content or background color ought to be blue.

One can use > (child selector) to generate the similar syntax by doing the following:

card {
   > outer {
      > inner {
        color: blue;


An additional instance of the identical structure of layers utilizing an alternate syntax is shown in the source code above. The arrow (">") designating a child component connection follows the statement for the "card" component at the start of the declaration. A second arrow is used to denote the statement of a "outer" component, which is followed by an assertion of a "inner" component that is also accompanied by an arrow. The "inner" component is given the attribute "color: blue;" to indicate the element should have blue as its hue. Using the arrows denoting the ordering among the components, the following code reflects the identical hierarchical connection as the above Code.


The code mentioned earlier translates to the following CSS code:

card > outer > inner {
 color: blue;

The code also compiles in SASS to:

   > outer
      > inner
         color: blue


In the end, both codes depict an interconnected architecture whereby a "card" component is included inside an "outer" component, and that is itself included inside an "inner" component having the color attribute configured for blue. The codes show distinct syntaxes, including Code 1 utilizing curly brackets and Code 2 utilizing arrows to indicate the order of items. Yet, the fundamental organization and connections among the components continue to be unchanged. The codes in question, which describe the hue that defines the "inner" component inside the layered framework, probably come from styling languages like CSS.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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