How to create a canvas with Textbox using FabricJS?

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about how to create a canvas with a Textbox object using FabricJS. We can customize, stretch or move around the text written in a textbox. We can also customize the text itself by using properties like fontSize, fontFamily, fontStyle, fontWeight, etc. In order to create a textbox, we will have to create an instance of fabric.Textbox class and add it to the canvas.


new fabric.Textbox( text: String, options: Object)


  • text − This parameter accepts a String which is the text string that we want to display inside our textbox.

  • options (optional) − This parameter is an Object which provides additional customizations to our textbox. Using this parameter colour, cursor, stroke width and a lot of other properties can be changed related to the textbox object.

Example 1

Creating an instance of fabric.Textbox() and adding it to our canvas

Let’s see a code example of how we can add a textbox to our canvas. Here we have created an object with a width of 210 px and font size as 20 px. Also, we have used the font family "Helvetica" which is a sans serif font.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <!-- Adding the Fabric JS Library-->
   <script src=""></script>
   <h2>Creating an instance of fabric.Textbox() and adding it to our canvas</h2>
   <p>You can see textbox has been added to our canvas</p>
   <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

      // Initiate a canvas instance
      var canvas = new fabric.Canvas("canvas");

      // Initiate a textbox object
      var textbox = new fabric.Textbox("He who is brave is free.", {
         top: 70,
         left: 80,
         width: 400,
         fontSize: 20,
         padding: 10,
         fontFamily: "Helvetica",

      // Add it to the canvas

Example 2

Manipulating the Textbox object by using the set method

In this example, we have assigned the properties to the textbox by using the set method which is a setter for values. Any property related to stroke, strokeWidth, angle, scaling, rotation, etc., can be mutated by using this method.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <!-- Adding the Fabric JS Library-->
   <script src=""></script>
   <h2>Manipulating the Textbox object by using the set method</h2>
   <p>You can select the textbox to move it around the canvas</p>
   <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
      // Initiate a canvas instance
      var canvas = new fabric.Canvas("canvas");

      // Initiate a textbox object
      var textbox = new fabric.Textbox("He who is brave is free.");

      // Set the properties
      textbox.set("top", 70);
      textbox.set("left", 65);
      textbox.set("fill", "#ff69b4");
      textbox.set("fontWeight", "bold");
      textbox.set("backgroundColor", "black");
      textbox.set("width", 400);

      // Add it to the canvas

Updated on: 29-Jul-2022


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