How to create a button that submits a form and downloads a pdf simultaneously?

By using HTML, JavaScript and jsPDF, we can create a button that can submit the form and download a pdf simultaneously. We will use HTML to create a form, JavaScript to handle the submission process and jsPDF to generate the PDF document. The act of submitting a form and getting a PDF is among the most frequent use cases. On the internet, PDFs are a common format for documents. They may be used to keep track of contracts, invoices, and other crucial data. In many instances, submitting a form is required before receiving a PDF. Let’s discuss the complete procedure in detail.

Developing a Form

For any online application, forms are a necessary component. They enable us to gather user data and transmit it to the server. We'll use HTML to build a form. Here's an illustration of a straightforward form with five input fields −

   <h2>Tutorials point Contact Form</h2>
   <label for="name">Enter your Name:</label>
   <input type="text" id="name" name="name"><br><br>
   <label for="email">Enter your Email:</label>
   <input type="email" id="email" name="email"><br><br>
   <label for="phone">Enter your</label>
   <input type="tel" id="phone" name="phone"><br><br>
   <label for="city">Enter your City:</label>
   <input type="text" id="city" name="city"><br><br>
   <label for="state">Enter your current State:</label>
   <input type="text" id="state" name="state"><br><br>
   <button onclick="downloadPDF()">Submit & Download PDF</button>

We will use a function named downloadPDF() to download and submit the form at the same time.

function downloadPDF() { .....CODE HERE …… }
<button onclick="downloadPDF()">Submit & Download PDF/button>

Generating the PDF

We'll make use of the jsPDF package to create a PDF. A JavaScript client-side library for creating PDFs is called jsPDF. Without requiring any server-side processing, it enables us to produce PDFs instantly. A JavaScript method contained in this code creates a PDF file and downloads it to the user's device. When a user hits a button on the website, the function gets activated. The following is an illustration of how to create a PDF using jsPDF −

function downloadPDF() { .....CODE HERE …… }
function downloadPDF() {
   var name = document.getElementById("name").value;
   var email = document.getElementById("email").value;
   var phone = document.getElementById("phone").value;
   var city = document.getElementById("city").value;
   var state = document.getElementById("state").value;
   var doc = new jsPDF();
   doc.text(20, 20, "Name: " + name);
   doc.text(20, 30, "Email: " + email);
   doc.text(20, 40, "Phone: " + phone);
   doc.text(20, 50, "City: " + city);
   doc.text(20, 60, "State: " + state);"form.pdf");

Integrating the form and PDF Generation

We can now combine the two since we have a form and a method for creating a PDF. We'll design a button that simultaneously submits the form and downloads the PDF. Here is an example of a JavaScript button that simultaneously submits a form and downloads a PDF −

   <script src=""></script>
      form {
         margin: 20px auto;
         padding: 20px;
         border: 1px solid gray;
         border-radius: 5px;
         width: 500px;
         text-align: center;
      label {
         display: inline-block;
         width: 120px;
         text-align: left;
         margin-right: 10px;
      input[type="tel"] {
         padding: 10px;
         font-size: 18px;
         border-radius: 5px;
         border: 1px solid gray;
         width: 250px;
         margin-bottom: 20px;
      button {
         margin-top: 20px;
         padding: 10px 20px;
         border-radius: 5px;
         background-color: green;
         color: white;
         font-size: 18px;
         cursor: pointer;
      function downloadPDF() {
         var name = document.getElementById("name").value;
         var email = document.getElementById("email").value;
         var phone = document.getElementById("phone").value;
         var city = document.getElementById("city").value;
         var state = document.getElementById("state").value;
         var doc = new jsPDF();
         doc.text(20, 20, "Name: " + name);
         doc.text(20, 30, "Email: " + email);
         doc.text(20, 40, "Phone: " + phone);
         doc.text(20, 50, "City: " + city);
         doc.text(20, 60, "State: " + state);"form.pdf");
      <h2>Tutorials point Contact Form</h2>
      <label for="name">Enter your Name:</label>
      <input type="text" id="name" name="name"><br><br>
      <label for="email">Enter your Email:</label>
      <input type="email" id="email" name="email"><br><br>
      <label for="phone">Enter your</label>
      <input type="tel" id="phone" name="phone"><br><br>
      <label for="city">Enter your City:</label> 
      <input type="text" id="city" name="city"><br><br>
      <label for="state">Enter your current State:</label>
      <input type="text" id="state" name="state"><br><br>
      <button onclick="downloadPDF()">Submit & Download PDF</button>

In this article, we explored the exciting world of web development and discovered how to create a button that not only submits a form but also downloads a PDF all at once using JavaScript. We walked through the steps of using HTML to create a form, JavaScript to handle the submission process and jsPDF to generate the PDF document. By combining these powerful technologies, we successfully crafted a button that can perform both functions with a single click. I hope this article has been informative and provided you with a clearer understanding of how to create a button that submits a form and downloads a PDF simultaneously with the help of JavaScript.

Updated on: 21-Feb-2023

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