How to Create 3D Reference to Sum Same Range Across Multiple Sheets in Excel?

If you're working with a large Excel workbook that contains multiple sheets, you may often find yourself needing to consolidate data from different sheets into a single summary. This is where the power of 3D referencing comes in handy. A 3D reference in Excel allows you to reference the same cell or range of cells across multiple worksheets, treating them as a single entity. It enables you to perform calculations, such as summing values, across multiple sheets without having to manually enter the formulas for each individual sheet

This tutorial will walk you through creating a 3D reference and using it to add the same range over many sheets step-by-step. This video will give you the knowledge and abilities to effectively combine data from many sheets and streamline your workflow, regardless of your level of Excel proficiency. So let's get started and explore Excel's 3D referencing universe!

Create 3D Reference to Sum Same Range Across Multiple Sheets

Here we will first create a named range and then use a formula to complete the task. So let us see a simple process to learn how you can create 3D references to sum the same range across multiple sheets in Excel.

Step 1

Consider an Excel workbook where you have multiple sheets.

First, click on formulas and select Define name.

Formulas > Define Name

Step 2

Then enter name as Total and Refers to =‘Sheet1:Sheet2’!B1 and click Ok to create a named range.

Name > Refers To > Ok.

Step 3

Then click on an empty cell and enter the formula as =SUM(SumTotal) and click enter.

Empty Cell > Formula > Ok.

This is how you can create 3D references to the same range across multiple sheets in Excel.


In this tutorial, we have used a simple process to learn how you can create 3D references to sum the same range across multiple sheets in Excel to highlight a particular set of data.

Updated on: 22-Aug-2023


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