How to Crack UPSC CSE Prelims


If you want to get your place in your favorite UPSC Services by passing the UPSC exam, then it is most important to clear the first stage of the UPSC exam i.e. UPSC CSE Prelims.

You will be surprised to know that an extremely large percentage of UPSC Aspirants are never able to clear UPSC Prelims, let alone the mains exam ahead. That's why most of the UPSC Aspirants want to know How to crack UPSC CSE Prelims?

If you want to know this, then stay with us till the end of today's article, because in this article, we will tell you all the important information and some necessary methods in detail, whose ultimate goal will be to pass the UPSC CSE Prelims.

So let's start-

What is UPSC CSE Prelims Exam?

UPSC exam is conducted by UPSC at the All India level to select officers at the administration level in India, in which more than one million people participate every year. But who out of all those people should become officers is decided by the UPSC mains exam, and who should appear in that mains exam is decided by the prelims exam.

This exam is organized by UPSC as a screening test. Under this, about 75% to 80% of the candidates drop out, and the remaining 20% of the candidates appear in the main examination. Before appearing in the main examination of Civil Services, students first have to crack this qualifying examination, after which they can appear in the main examination.

Candidates are selected for the main examination through the qualifying examination of UPSC Prelims to avoid the unnecessary rush in the main examination. The nature of this examination is qualifying and any student who wants to appear in the UPSC CSE mains examination has to clear the cut-off marks in the Prelims examination and the cut-off marks are declared almost on the result date.

UPSC CSE Prelims Complete Syllabus

We have given you information above about the preliminary exam of the UPSC Civil Services Examination, but now we have given you detailed information about its syllabus below.

UPSC CSE Prelims Examination is classified into two stages-

  • General Studies 1

  • General Studies 2 (CSAT)

Syllabus for General Studies 1

The Syllabus for General Studies Paper 1 is as follows-

Important current affairsHistory of India
Indian Historical National MovementGeography of India and the world,
Physical, Social, and Economic, Geography of India.Indian Politics & Governance, which includes points related to Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, and Fundamental Rights.
Economic and Social Development,Sustainable Development, Poverty Alleviation, Demographics
Social Sector Initiative.General issues on Environment, Ecology, Biodiversity,
Climate Change [the specialization of the candidates for the subject is not necessary.]General Science with all this.

Syllabus for General Studies 2

Paper 2 - General Studies of Prelims is also known as CSAT, with a full form - Civil Services Aptitude Test. Under this, below mentioned topics are included-

Comprehension, Interpersonal SkillsCommunication Skills
Logical Reasoning,Analytical Ability,
Decision-Making Skills,Problem-Solving Skills,
General Mental Ability,Basic Numeracy
English Language Comprehension Skills -----

How to Crack UPSC CSE Prelims

If you are dedicated to cracking the UPSC CSE Prelims Examination, then you must go through the Top 20 Tips and Tricks for How to Crack UPSC CSE Prelims mentioned by us and follow them as far as possible. After this definitely, you will be able to crack the Prelims Examination of UPSC.

  • Take inspiration from the toppers of previous years and use their strategies.

  • Use mnemonic techniques to remember complex facts and figures.

  • To avoid mental stress, instead of studying continuously for a long time, study in small pieces.

  • Use the Pomodoro technique, under this you must take a break of 5 minutes after every 25 minutes.

  • It should be mandatory for you to read books and articles in different genres to improve your vocabulary and comprehension style and skills.

  • Join an online study group to exchange notes and ideas.

  • Use flashcards to remember important concepts and formulas.

  • Learn to make mental connections between different topics for easy memorization.

  • Use color-coding notes to differentiate between different subjects and sections.

  • Use a challenging project to improve cognitive abilities, such as learning a new language or playing an instrument.

  • Use visualization techniques to visualize topics and concepts in real-life scenarios.

  • Use modern technology to learn effectively.

  • Divide complex topics into small topics, and try to study them systematically.

  • Use the Feynman technique. Under this, to test your understanding, you try to explain a concept to an ordinary person in simple language.

  • Try solving puzzles and riddles to improve your analytical and problem-solving skills.

  • Also exercise regularly to improve mental alertness and stamina.

  • Attend constitutions and workshops to gain knowledge and interact with experts.

  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses, and improve upon them.

  • Practice self-reflection.

  • Everyone has their way of learning and understanding. You have to find your way. The same method will help you to crack UPSC.

Things to Keep in Mind While Preparing for UPSC CSE Prelims

UPSC Prelims examination itself demands a lot of hard work and dedication, and that is why if you are preparing for UPSC CSE Prelims then you must take the following precautions while preparing-

The Habit of Procrastination Has to Be Abandoned

While preparing for UPSC, candidates usually have the habit of procrastinating in studies during preparation, and such students can never pass the UPSC exam. If you want to crack the UPSC exam, then you have to start studying well in time, so that you can get the required time to prepare.

Do Not Burden Yourself Beyond What You Can Handle

While preparing for UPSC CSE Prelims, you should not burden yourself too much, and try to cover the entire study material in 1 month or 2 months.

Remember that even after trying so much, you may have to re-appear in the UPSC exam. So don't prepare under the unnecessary burden. To avoid this, you can start preparing by dividing the syllabus into pieces.

Try to Avoid Distractions

If you are preparing for UPSC, surely you will also face many types of distractions. It is the law of nature that obstacles come with great goals, but UPSC aspirants must face those obstacles and save themselves from unnecessary obstacles.

Try to Stay Focused

Everyone always remembers that the ultimate aim of your UPSC exam preparation is to crack UPSC yourself. When you remember this, you will always be focused on your preparation.

Keep Taking Breaks from Time to Time

Avoid preparing continuously for a long time. Keep taking breaks from time to time. This will help keep your mind calm and focused.

Stay Healthy

It is necessary for a student and candidate who is preparing for UPSC Civil Services Examination to keep himself healthy. Because only a healthy body is capable of preparing for any exam.

[If you will not be able to keep yourself healthy then you will not be able to study. Your body is your main companion, always protect it and never eat such foods during meals, which will make you sick in the end.]

If you are preparing for UPSC CSE Prelims, then you must prepare to keep all these precautions in mind.


In today's article, we have told you How to crack UPSC CSE Prelims. Apart from this, we have also provided you with some important information about UPSC CSE Prelims, and have also told you the method by following which you can pass the UPSC CSE Prelims exam.

Hope that by reading this article of ours today, you would have been able to understand How to crack UPSC CSE Prelims. If you want to ask any other questions regarding this, then you can submit your opinion in the comment box.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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