How to count number of distinct values per field/ key in MongoDB?

You can use the distinct command for this. To understand the concept, let us create a collection with the document. The query to create a collection with a document is as follows −

> db.distinctCountValuesDemo.insertOne({"StudentFirstName":"John","StudentFavouriteSubject":["C","C++","Java","MySQL","C","C++"]});
   "acknowledged" : true,
   "insertedId" : ObjectId("5c8a39f193b406bd3df60e07")
> db.distinctCountValuesDemo.insertOne({"StudentFirstName":"Larry","StudentFavouriteSubject":["MongoDB","SQL Server"]});
   "acknowledged" : true,
   "insertedId" : ObjectId("5c8a3a1193b406bd3df60e08")

Display all documents from a collection with the help of find() method. The query is as follows −

> db.distinctCountValuesDemo.find().pretty();

The following is the output −

   "_id" : ObjectId("5c8a39f193b406bd3df60e07"),
   "StudentFirstName" : "John",
   "StudentFavouriteSubject" : [
   "_id" : ObjectId("5c8a3a1193b406bd3df60e08"),
   "StudentFirstName" : "Larry",
   "StudentFavouriteSubject" : [
      "SQL Server"

Here is the query to find a number of distinct values per field/key −

> db.distinctCountValuesDemo.distinct('StudentFavouriteSubject');

The following is the output −

[ "C", "C++", "Java", "MySQL", "MongoDB", "SQL Server" ]

Here is the query to find the length of the distinct value in the array −

> db.distinctCountValuesDemo.distinct('StudentFavouriteSubject').length;

The following is the output −


Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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