How to Convert Wide Dataframe to Tidy Dataframe with Pandas stack()?

Python has become one of the most popular programming languages for data analysis and manipulation, thanks to its rich libraries and frameworks. Among these libraries, Pandas stands out as one of the most valuable and powerful tools for data processing. With Pandas, you can easily load, transform, and analyze data in a wide variety of formats.

In this tutorial, we will explore converting a wide data frame to a tidy data frame using the Pandas stack() function. Converting a wide data frame to a tidy one is an essential step in many data analysis workflows, as it allows for easier data manipulation, plotting, and modeling. In the next section of the article, we will delve into the details of the Pandas stack() function and demonstrate how to use it for this conversion process.

How to Convert Wide Dataframe to Tidy Dataframe with Pandas stack()?

Before we dive into the conversion process, let's take a moment to understand the concepts of wide and tidy data frames.

A wide dataframe is structured in a way where each row represents a single entity or observation, such as a person or a product. The wide format often includes multiple columns that store different attributes or variables related to each entity.

In contrast, a tidy data frame follows a specific structure that makes it easier to analyze and process data. In a tidy data frame, each row represents a unique observation or measurement. The columns, on the other hand, contain distinct variables or attributes.

Now that we have a basic understanding of wide and tidy data frames, let's dive into exploring the Pandas stack() function to convert a wide dataframe to tidy dataframe.

Exploring the Pandas stack() Function

The stack() function in Pandas is specifically designed to pivot or reshape data frames. It takes a wide data frame as input and transforms it into a tidy data frame by stacking the columns into rows. This operation is often referred to as "stacking" because it vertically stacks the column values, resulting in a narrower and longer data frame.

Now, let's walk through an example scenario to demonstrate how to convert a wide dataframe to a tidy dataframe using the stack() function in Pandas.

Consider the following wide dataframe that contains students' scores in different subjects:


import pandas as pd

# Create a sample wide dataframe
data = {
    'Name': ['Student1', 'Student2', 'Student3'],
    'Math Score': [85, 70, 95],
    'Science Score': [90, 80, 92]

wide_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
print("Wide DataFrame:")


The wide dataframe of the above code will look like this:

    Name          Math Score   Science Score
0  Student1          85             90
1  Student2          70             80
2  Student3          95             92

To convert this wide dataframe to a tidy format, we will follow these steps:

Import the necessary libraries and load the dataframe:

We begin by importing the Pandas library, which provides us with the stack() function for the conversion. We also load the wide dataframe using Pandas' DataFrame constructor.


import pandas as pd

# Create a sample wide dataframe
data = {
    'Name': ['Student1', 'Student2', 'Student3'],
    'Math Score': [85, 70, 95],
    'Science Score': [90, 80, 92]

wide_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
print("Wide DataFrame:")

Inspect the wide dataframe and identify the columns to stack:

Take a closer look at the wide dataframe and identify the columns that need to be stacked. In our example, we want to stack the columns "Math Score" and "Science Score" to transform them into separate rows.

# Inspect the wide dataframe
print("Wide DataFrame:")

The wide dataframe will look something like this:

    Name        Math Score  Science Score
0  Student1          85             90
1  Student2          70             80
2  Student3          95             92

Apply the stack() function to reshape the dataframe:

Now, let's use the stack() function to convert the wide dataframe into a tidy format. We apply the stack() function on the wide_df and assign the result to a new variable, tidy_df.

# Apply the stack() function
tidy_df = wide_df.stack().reset_index()
tidy_df.columns = ['ID', 'Subject', 'Score']

Discuss the resulting tidy dataframe and its structure:

After applying stack(), we obtain a new dataframe, tidy_df, which represents the original wide dataframe in a tidy format. The tidy dataframe has three columns: 'ID', 'Subject', and 'Score'. Each row in the tidy dataframe corresponds to a specific student's score in a particular subject.

# Display the resulting tidy dataframe
print("\nTidy DataFrame:")

The corresponding tidy dataframe for the above data frame will look something like this:

ID           Subject     Score
0   0      Math Score     85
1   0   Science Score      90
2   1      Math Score     70
3   1   Science Score      80
4   2      Math Score     95
5   2   Science Score      92

In the resulting tidy dataframe, we can see that the 'ID' column represents the original row index of the wide dataframe, 'Subject' column contains the subject names, and 'Score' column holds the respective scores. Each row now represents a unique observation, making it easier to analyze and manipulate the data.

So, we’ve successfully converted the wide dataframe to a tidy dataframe using Pandas stack.


In this article, we learned how to convert a wide dataframe to a tidy dataframe using the Pandas stack() function. First, we explored the differences between wide and tidy data frames, with the latter being easier to analyze and process. Then we walked through an example scenario, where we used the stack() function to convert a wide dataframe that contained students' scores in different subjects. We also provided a step−by−step guide on how to apply the stack() function, and we showcased the resulting tidy dataframe's structure and its columns. Overall, the Pandas stack() function is a valuable tool for reshaping and transforming data frames to suit our data analysis needs.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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