How to Convert SQL Query Results to Pandas Dataframe Using Pypyodbc?

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that is widely used for data analysis, machine learning, and other scientific applications. One of the reasons for its popularity is the availability of several powerful libraries and frameworks that make data manipulation and analysis a breeze. Among these, Pandas is a popular library for working with tabular data in Python.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to convert SQL query results to Pandas Dataframe using pypyodbc. If you're working with data in Python, you're likely to encounter situations where you need to extract data from a SQL database and manipulate it in Python. In such cases, you'll need to convert the query results into a format that can be easily manipulated using Python. That's where pypyodbc and Pandas come in. In the next section of the article, we will discuss how to set up the environment and establish a connection to the SQL database using pypyodbc.

How to Convert SQL Query Results to Pandas Dataframe Using pypyodbc?

Before we dive into converting SQL query results to a Pandas dataframe, we need to install the required libraries. We'll be using the pypyodbc library, which provides an interface to interact with ODBC databases, including SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL. To begin, make sure you have pypyodbc installed. You can install it by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install pypyodbc

Once pypyodbc is installed, we need to import it into our Python script. In addition to pypyodbc, we'll also need to import the Pandas library, which we'll use later for converting the query results to a Pandas Dataframe. Import the libraries at the beginning of your Python script using the following lines:

import pypyodbc
import pandas as pd

Now that we have the necessary libraries imported, let's establish a connection to the SQL database using pypyodbc. To connect to your specific SQL database, you'll need to provide the connection details such as the server name, database name, username, and password. The connection string usually consists of these details and can vary depending on the database you're using.

Here's an example of establishing a connection to a SQL Server database using pypyodbc:

# Establish connection to SQL database using pypyodbc
conn_str = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=server_name;Database=db_name;UID=username;PWD=password"
connection = pypyodbc.connect(conn_str)

Make sure to replace `server_name`, `db_name`, `username`, and `password` with your actual connection details. This establishes a connection to the SQL database using pypyodbc, and we can now proceed to execute SQL queries and retrieve data.

Converting SQL Query Results to Pandas Dataframe

Now that we have established a connection to the SQL database and executed SQL queries using pypyodbc, let's dive into converting the query results to a Pandas Dataframe. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to convert SQL query results to a Pandas Dataframe using pypyodbc:

Execute the SQL Query

To retrieve data from the SQL database, we first need to execute an SQL query. We can use the connection object we established earlier to execute the query. Here's an example of executing an SQL query:

# Execute the SQL query
cursor = connection.cursor()
query = "SELECT * FROM table_name"

Replace table_name with the name of the table you want to retrieve data from. The cursor object allows us to interact with the SQL database.

Fetch the Query Results

After executing the SQL query, we need to fetch the results. We can use the fetchall() method of the cursor object to retrieve all the rows returned by the query. Here's an example:


# Execute the SQL query
rows = cursor.fetchall()

# Print the query results


[(1, 'Prince', 'Yadav', 26, 50000),
 (2, 'Mukul', 'Latiyan', 25, 60000),
 (3, 'Rohit', 'Shokeen', 24, 55000),
 (4, 'Divyang', 'Pal', 30, 65000),
 (5, 'Paras', 'Wadhwa', 35, 70000)]

As you can see from the output above, the code fetches all the rows from the "employees" table and stores them in the rows variable. The print(rows) statement displays the query results, showing each row as a tuple within a list. Each tuple represents a row from the SQL query result set, containing the values for each column in the order specified in the query

Convert to Pandas Dataframe

Now, it's time to convert the query results to a Pandas Dataframe. We can achieve this by passing the query results to the pd.DataFrame() constructor. Consider the below code to achieve the same:


# Convert to Pandas Dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(rows)

# Display the Pandas Dataframe

The df variable now holds the query results in the form of a Pandas Dataframe. Each column in the dataframe corresponds to a column in the SQL query result set.


The output of the above code will look something like this:

   EmployeeID  FirstName  LastName  Age  Salary
0           1     Prince     Yadav   26   50000
1           2      Mukul   Latiyan   25   60000
2           3      Rohit   Shokeen   24   55000
3           4    Divyang       Pal   30   65000
4           5      Paras    Wadhwa   35   70000

As you can see from the output above, we have successfully converted SQL query results to a Pandas Dataframe using pypyodbc. You can now use the Pandas library to perform various data manipulation and analysis tasks on the retrieved data.


In this tutorial, we explored the process of converting SQL query results to a Pandas Dataframe using pypyodbc in Python. We began by setting up the environment, establishing a connection to the SQL database using pypyodbc, and executing SQL queries. Then, we walked through the step-by-step process of converting the query results to a Pandas Dataframe. We provided examples for each of the methods, allowing you to understand and implement the conversion easily.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023

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