How to convert NaN to 0 using JavaScript?

We can use the logical OR operator, double bitwise NOT operator, strict equality operator, or the inNaN() function to convert NaN to 0 using JavaScript. NaN in Javascript means Not a Number, whose type is Number but actually, it is not a number. In this article, we will learn to approaches to convert NaN to Boolean.

  • Using the Logical OR (||) Operator

  • Using the Double Tilde (~~) Operator

  • Using the Strict Equality (===) Operator

  • Using the isNaN() function

Using the Logical OR (||) Operator

The logical OR (||) operator is used to check the truthiness of two values. it will return true if any of those operands is true, else it returns false when all the operands are not true.

To convert NaN to 0 using || operator we simply compare NaN with 0 using || operator.


NaN || 0 


In this example we are converting NaN to 0 using || operator.

   <title>Example- convert NaN to 0 using JavaScript</title>
   <h2 id="demo">Converting NaN to 0 using Javascript</h2>
      // Defining Variables
      let x = NaN;
      let y = 0; 
      // Convert NaN to 0
      x = x || y;
      // Print the values
      document.write("Result: " + x);

Using Double Tilde (~~) Operator

The double tilde or double bitwise not operator is used to floor any positive number. We can also use Math.floor to do the same but this operator is faster than floor method. This operator works with only positive numbers and negative, in case if the number is NaN it returns zero.




In this example we are converting NaN to 0 using ~~ operator.

   <title>Example -convert NaN to 0 using JavaScript</title>
   <h3 id="demo">Converting NaN to 0 using Javascript Using double bitwise not operator</h3>
      // Defining Variable
      let x = NaN;

      // Convert NaN to 0
      x = ~~x
      // Print the value
      document.write("Result: " + x);

Using Strictly Equality (===) Operator

The strict equality (===) operator or strict equality operator is used to compare two or more operands by checking the equality between the values as well as their types. If the value and the type both are equal then it returns true, otherwise it returns false.

To convert NaN to zero using === operator, first we compare NaN value with zero and if it is true we return NaN otherwise we return zero.


(NaN === 0) ? NaN : 0


In this example we are converting NaN to 0 using strict equality operator.

   <title>Example - convert NaN to 0 using JavaScript</title>
   <h3 id="demo">Converting NaN to 0 using Javascript Using Strict equality operator</h3>
      // Defining Variable
      let x = NaN;

      // Convert NaN to 0
      x = (x === 0) ? x : 0;
      // Print the value
      document.write("Result: " + x);

Using isNaN() function

The isNaN function is used to check a value if it is NaN or not. To convert NaN to 0 we check the value if it is NaN or not. If true we return zero.


isNaN(value) ? 0 : value 


In this example we are converting NaN to 0 using isNaN fuction..

   <title>Example - convert NaN to 0 using JavaScript</title>
   <p id="demo">Converting NaN to 0 using Javascript Using isNaN function</p>
      // Defining Variable
      let x = NaN;
      // Convert NaN to 0
      x = isNaN(x) ? 0 : x;
      // Print the value
      document.write("Result: " + x);

Updated on: 21-Feb-2023

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