How to Convert IPython Notebooks to PDF and HTML?

IPython notebooks are a highly popular tool for scientific computing and data analysis, widely used by researchers, analysts, and programmers. By allowing users to integrate code, text, and interactive visualizations within a single document, they make it simple to explore data, develop models, and communicate findings. However, sharing IPython notebooks with others can be difficult, particularly when the recipients lack the necessary software or expertise to run them. A solution to this challenge is to convert IPython notebooks to PDF and HTML, which are universally supported and easily accessible on any device.

In this article, we will delve into three approaches for converting IPython notebooks to PDF and HTML, which include using nbconvert, utilizing JupyterLab extensions, and relying on nbviewer. These methods will be beneficial to anyone, from data scientists to students and teachers, who wishes to enhance the reach and impact of their work by sharing it more effectively.

Method 1: Using nbconvert

Nbconvert is a part of the Jupyter ecosystem and can be installed together with Jupyter. This command−line tool allows you to convert IPython notebooks to various formats, such as HTML and PDF.

To use nbconvert, navigate to the notebook directory in the terminal and input the following command:

jupyter nbconvert --to FORMAT notebook.ipynb

Replace "FORMAT" with the desired output format, such as "html" or "pdf". Replace "notebook.ipynb" with the name of your notebook file.

For example, to convert a notebook called "my_notebook.ipynb" to HTML, enter the following command:

jupyter nbconvert --to html my_notebook.ipynb

While using Nbconvert, an HTML file will be created with the name of the notebook file in the same directory. If you prefer to have the output saved to a different location, use the "--output−dir" option followed by the path to the desired output directory.

Similarly, to convert the same notebook to PDF, enter the following command:

jupyter nbconvert --to pdf my_notebook.ipynb

Nbconvert will generate a PDF file with the same name as the notebook file in the same directory.

Nbconvert also allows you to customize the output using templates. Templates are Jinja2 templates that define the structure and style of the output. Nbconvert comes with several built−in templates, and you can also create your own. To use a custom template, use the "--template" option followed by the path to the template file.

For example, to use a template called "my_template.tplx" to convert a notebook to HTML, enter the following command:

jupyter nbconvert --to html --template my_template.tplx my_notebook.ipynb

Overall, nbconvert provides a flexible and powerful way to convert IPython notebooks to HTML and PDF formats.

Method 2: Using JupyterLab Extensions

JupyterLab is a commonly used software for working with Jupyter notebooks, offering a versatile and robust interface for data science workflows. It has many features, JupyterLab also supports numerous extensions that expand its functionality and including the ability to convert notebooks to PDF and HTML formats.

Before converting you must install the required extensions. This can be done by opening a terminal window and executing the following command:

jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/latex @jupyterlab/katex-extension @jupyterlab/htmlviewer-extension @jupyterlab/shortcutui-extension @jupyterlab/plotly-extension @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager plotiwidget

This command installs a set of extensions that are required for notebook conversion, including the @jupyterlab/latex and @jupyterlab/katex−extension extensions for LaTeX typesetting, the @jupyterlab/htmlviewer−extension extension for displaying HTML output, the @jupyterlab/shortcutui−extension extension for adding export shortcuts, and the @jupyterlab/plotly−extension and plotlywidget extensions for interactive plotly visualizations.

After installing the necessary extensions, you can utilize JupyterLab's export feature to convert your notebooks to PDF and HTML formats. Firstly, open the desired notebook in JupyterLab and navigate to the "File" menu. Then, choose "Export Notebook As" and select either "PDF" or "HTML" from the resulting submenu. This will prompt JupyterLab to generate and save the converted file onto your computer.

JupyterLab will generate the PDF or HTML file and save it to your computer. Note that the exact appearance of the exported file may vary depending on the notebook's contents and the options selected during export.

For example, suppose we have a simple notebook that contains a code cell and a markdown cell:

# Example notebook

This is a simple example notebook that demonstrates how to use JupyterLab extensions to export notebooks to PDF and HTML formats.

print("Hello, world!")

To export a Jupyter Notebook to PDF or HTML using JupyterLab, install the required extensions, open the notebook, select "Export Notebook As" from the File menu, choose "PDF" or "HTML," and JupyterLab will create and save the file to your computer.

JupyterLab's export feature offers a fast and simple way to convert your notebooks to PDF or HTML formats. The extensions installed during setup provide a broad selection of output formats and customization options.

Method 3: Using nbviewer

Nbviewer is a web−based service that allows you to view and share IPython notebooks online. It also converts notebooks to HTML and PDF formats. To use nbviewer, simply enter the notebook URL, click "Go", and then click "Download" to save the converted file to your computer. You can also customize the output format using templates by appending the template URL to the notebook URL.

For instance, if you want to convert a notebook named notebook.ipynb located at to PDF using a specific template named mytemplate.tplx, you can use the following URL:

Nbviewer will use the mytemplate.tplx template to convert the notebook to PDF.


In Conclusion, we have explored three different ways to convert IPython notebooks to PDF and HTML: using nbconvert, using JupyterLab extensions, and using nbviewer. Each method has its own pros and cons depending on what you need. Nbconvert is powerful but requires command−line knowledge, JupyterLab extensions are easy to use but not available everywhere, and nbviewer is web−based but may not support all notebook features.

Regardless of which method you choose, converting IPython notebooks to PDF and HTML can make your work more accessible and reproducible. By sharing your work in these formats, you can help others understand and build upon your research.

Updated on: 21-Jul-2023


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