How to convert Int data type to Float in Golang?

In Golang, it is easy to convert one data type to another using type conversion. In this tutorial, we will explore how to convert an integer to a float data type.

Converting Int to Float

In Golang, converting an integer to a float is a straightforward process. You can use the float64() function to convert an integer to a float data type.


Here is an example −

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   i := 5
   f := float64(i)

   fmt.Println("The integer value is: ", i)
   fmt.Println("The float value is: ", f)


The integer value is:  5
The float value is:  5

In the above example, we have an integer value of 5. We are using the float64() function to convert this integer value to a float data type. The float value is then assigned to a variable 'f'.


In conclusion, we have learned how to convert an integer to a float data type in Golang. The process is very straightforward, and all you need is to use the float64() function to perform the conversion.

Updated on: 05-May-2023

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