How to Convert a List to a DataFrame Row in Python?

Python is a high−level, versatile programming language that has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks in part to its ability to handle large amounts of data with ease. One of the most powerful tools in the Python ecosystem for working with data is the pandas library, which provides easy−to−use data structures like DataFrame and Series.

In this tutorial, we'll be focusing on one common task in data analysis: converting a list to a DataFrame row in Python using pandas. This is an essential skill for anyone working with data in Python, as it allows you to quickly and easily add new rows of data to a DataFrame. We'll be walking you through the step−by−step process of converting a list to a DataFrame row in the subsequent section of this article.

How to Convert a List to a DataFrame Row in Python?

For converting a list to a DataFrame Row, we’re going to use Panda’s library. let's first ensure that we have pandas installed on our system.

Pandas Installation

To install pandas, you can utilize the Python package manager called pip, which can be accessed through your command prompt or terminal. In order to do this, simply input the given command provided below.

pip install pandas

The above command is going to download and install the latest version of Pandas on your system. Once the installation is complete, we can use it for converting a list to a DataFrame row.

Converting a List to a DataFrame Row

To convert a list to a DataFrame row, we first need to create a list containing the data that we want to add. This list should contain the same number of elements as there are columns in our DataFrame. Let's say we have a DataFrame with three columns − "Name", "Age", and "City".

Consider the below code snippet to create a list of data for a new row:

new_row_data = ['Prince', 26, 'New Delhi]

The next crucial step in our process is to generate a brand new DataFrame object that replicates the column names of our existing DataFrame. It's of utmost significance to ensure that the column names match to effectively append new rows to the DataFrame using pandas.

To accomplish this, we can create an empty DataFrame that has the exact same column names as our original DataFrame.

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name', 'Age', 'City'])

Now that we have created a new empty DataFrame with the appropriate column names, it's time to add some data to it. We can achieve this by using the "append" method of the DataFrame object, which allows us to append a new row of data to the existing DataFrame. To do this, we need to pass a pandas Series object to the "append" method that represents our new row of data.

In order to avoid overwriting any existing rows in the DataFrame, we must pass the "ignore_index=True" parameter while appending the new row. This ensures that the new row is appended as a brand−new row with a unique index number.

Consider the below code to append a new row to our Data frame using the append method.

import pandas as pd

# create a list of data for the new row
new_row_data = ['Prince', 26, 'New Delhi']

# create a new empty DataFrame with the correct column names
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name', 'Age', 'City'])

# append the new row to the DataFrame
df = df.append(pd.Series(new_row_data, index=df.columns), ignore_index=True)

# print the updated DataFrame

In the code above, we first import the pandas library. Next, we create a list called "new_row_data" containing the values we want to add as a new row to our DataFrame. We then create a new empty DataFrame object called "df" with the same column names as our existing DataFrame.

Next, we append our new row to the DataFrame using the DataFrame object's "append" method. We pass a pandas Series object to the "append" method, which represents our new row of data. We use the "ignore_index=True" parameter to ensure that the new row is appended as a new row with a new index number, rather than overwriting an existing row.

Finally, we print the updated DataFrame to confirm that our new row has been added successfully.


   Name    Age City
0  Prince  26  New Delhi

As you can see in the output above, a structured dataset in the form of a DataFrame, consists of a single row and three columns, each with its respective label. The column labels are 'Name', 'Age', and 'City', respectively.


In this tutorial, we learned how to convert a list to a DataFrame row in Python using the Pandas library. We started by ensuring that pandas is installed on our system and then created a list containing the data we wanted to add as a new row to our DataFrame. We then created a new empty DataFrame object with the same column names as our existing DataFrame and appended our new row of data using the "append" method. We used the "ignore_index=True" parameter to ensure that the new row is appended as a new row with a new index number, rather than overwriting an existing row. We provided an example for each of the methods used in the process.

Updated on: 21-Jul-2023


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