How to Conquer Social Media Campaign with A Foolproof Plan

The path to success is not a straight line; it has many curves and diversions. While going on that curvy trail, the chances are high that you may go off-route at some juncture and end up not getting the desired success. That is why it is advisable to prepare your best plan and stick to it throughout your journey.

And, when your aim is to conquer the world of social media by connecting with hundreds and thousands of peoples around the world, it is utmost important to take each step carefully. A wrong move can sabotage your entire effort which is hard to repair. That is where a foolproof plan can help you in following your own way and obtain maximum success.

You may be wondering if there is any need for a plan for social media marketing when it is just about some posts and shares? Mind it, you are not in social media just to make friends and building relationship, your ultimate goal is to use the social media to maximize your business, isn’t it?.

Let’s see why you need a foolproof plan for your social media venture.

Why Do You Need A Plan

For example, let’s assume that you are the owner of a flower shop and you want sales to increase. So, to expanding your customer base around the city, you have decided to create a social media profile from where you can connect with your existing customers as well as new customers.

Initially, you have posted a few posts and pictures in your social profile to get noticed by your customers. People came to know about your shop and they connected with you. You feel good as more people start liking your posts and pictures. As the response was good, your customer base also increased. You start getting frequent orders from new customers as well as existing customers.

Later on, as you are more occupied with your growing business, the frequency of the posts are decreasing and at some point, you totally forget to post anything, even during the festival seasons or on valentine day.

That’s a big mistake as per your business is concerned. The after effect is gradual declining of customer inflows. Because generally, people do forgets the earlier ads and posts when they saw something new. So, your competitors will take that advantage. That is why it should be your business strategy to keep on reminding them your existence. That’s where a well-strategized plan can rescue you from falling in such situation.

The Social Media Plan

Let’s discuss how you can make your social media plan with the right strategy to succeed in the world of Social Medias.

  • The plan should be prepared for the next 6 months to 1-year vision. So, sit down with your great ideas and start developing your plan.

  • Think about the messages what you will post on your social media account that can create a buzz among your followers.

  • Create a formal document to write down all your creative thoughts and when and where you will post them.

  • You may have multiple accounts on various social media platforms. So, it is important to identify which types of posts are for which platform, and then mark them appropriately.

  • Create a posting calendar to organize the posting frequency, whether you want to post daily or weekly.

  • Write down the messages and the scheduled dates when you will post them. All the messages should be related to your business with high-quality content which can create a buzz around your followers.

  • Check the holiday calendar of your localities for dates of various festivals. You can send special messages and offers at festival seasons to boost your sales.

  • Categorize the contents as per the social media platforms. While messages and pictures are for Facebook or Google+, and great pictures are for Pinterest and Instagram.

So, as we discussed on how to prepare your social media plan, you may be thinking that it is quite a difficult task to log in each platform at scheduled dates and time to post the contents. Considering the various social media platforms, it can be a time-consuming affair, isn’t it?

Also, it is important to know how your posts are doing on different social media platforms. Are they trending? How many shares or likes they are getting? That information is necessary to evaluate your strategy. But, it may be cumbersome for you to sign in each social media platforms and collect the data in regular intervals, isn’t it?.

Don’t worry; there are tools that can help you to do all these things without wasting your valuable time.

Social Media Management Tool

There are some amazing tools to release your workloads. Those tools can post your messages, tweets, pictures on your behalf into the various social media platforms at the scheduled date and time. And they also provide the much-needed analytics reports.

Let us see some of those awesome tools to manage your social media campaign.


This tool makes your posting activity easier, you just need to schedule the posts and it will keep sharing the messages on your social sites at the scheduled date and time. It supports most of the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, and Instagram.

It works on both web and mobile devices. It also provides you the information on the number of clicks, retweets, shares, likes and views for each post.


This is one of the popular social media management tools to manage all your social networks from a single dashboard. It supports all the popular social media sites. You can effectively schedule your content for various sites on its dashboard. It provides the real-time analytics reports which allow checking and improving your social media performance. It also protects your profiles and controls the access against the hackers and other external threats.


The SocialOomph is another powerful tool to manage your twitter profile. You can send automatic direct messages to your multiple followers. This tool has certain interesting features such as auto follow your new followers, schedule your tweets and even easily delete all the tweets and direct messages using its “Purge Tweets” & “Purge DM’s” features.


It is one of the trusted analytics tools to analyze your social presence. It provides real-time data to evaluate the key performances. Using its interactive dashboard you can create, edit the tables and graphs to analyze the online data. It also recommends you the best time to engage with your followers.

Finally, the social media networks have the potential to grow your business with an ocean of opportunities. But it is possible only when you manage it effectively and actively with a proper plan. It’s better to take help of some social media management tool when it is difficult to manage them by yourself.

Updated on: 23-Jan-2020


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