How to Configure Postfix and Dovecot with Virtual Domain Users in Linux?


Configuring Postfix and Dovecot with virtual domain users is an essential process for anyone running a Linux-based email server. These two software applications are the backbone of email servers, and they work together to handle incoming and outgoing emails. Postfix is the mail transfer agent responsible for accepting incoming emails.

On the other hand, Dovecot is the email delivery agent responsible for delivering incoming emails to users' mailboxes. In this article, we will provide a detailed guide on how to configure Postfix and Dovecot with virtual domain users in Linux.

Explanation of Postfix and Dovecot

Postfix is an open-source MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) that routes and delivers email messages. It allows you to send and receive emails between servers or individuals using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). Postfix can work alone but requires a delivery agent like Dovecot to deliver messages to local user mailboxes.

Dovecot, on the other hand, is an open-source MDA (Mail Delivery Agent) that sorts incoming email into specific folders in user mailboxes from where it can be retrieved by clients such as Mozilla Thunderbird or Microsoft Outlook. It supports multiple protocols such as IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3), and LMTP (Local Mail Transfer Protocol).

Setting Up Postfix

Installing Postfix on Linux

Before configuring Postfix, it must be installed on a Linux system. The installation process for Postfix varies depending on the distribution used, but can typically be achieved through the package manager. For example, in Ubuntu, this can be done by running the command "sudo apt-get install postfix".

sudo apt-get install postfix 

Configuring file for virtual domains and users

The main configuration file for Postfix is located at /etc/postfix/ This file contains parameters that dictate how users' emails are received and sent. To configure virtual domains and users in Postfix, several parameters must be set up in this file.

Setting up virtual_alias_maps and virtual_mailbox_domains parameters

Virtual_alias_maps is a parameter that maps email addresses to other email addresses or aliases. This parameter must be set up in the file to allow users to receive emails directed to their virtual email address. Virtual_mailbox_domains is another parameter that must be configured in the file to specify which domains will have their mailboxes stored virtually.

Creating a list of virtual mailbox maps for each domain/user combination

Virtual mailbox maps are files that map user emails to specific directories where their emails will be stored virtually. These files must be created for each domain/user combination specified in the previous step. The syntax for these files is as follows−

`` This creates a mapping where any emails sent to will be stored in the directory

Enabling SMTP authentication for secure email transmission

SMTP authentication allows clients to authenticate themselves when sending an email using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) so that only authorized users can send messages through your server. To enable SMTP authentication, the smtpd_sasl_auth_enable parameter must be set to yes in the file.

This will allow users to authenticate with a username and password before sending emails, thus providing an extra layer of security. Setting up Postfix involves installing it on the Linux system, configuring the file for virtual domains and users, setting up parameters for virtual alias maps and mailbox domains, creating virtual mailbox maps for each domain/user combination, and enabling SMTP authentication for secure email transmission.

Setting Up Dovecot

Installing Dovecot on Linux

Dovecot is an open-source IMAP and POP3 server that can be easily installed on a Linux system using the package manager. To install Dovecot, run the following command −

sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install dovecot-core dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d  

This will install Dovecot's core components as well as IMAP and POP3 daemons.

Configuring dovecot.conf file for virtual domains and users

Once installed, it's time to configure Dovecot to work with our virtual domain and users. Open the `/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf` file in your favorite text editor. Find the following sections in the file −

# Protocols we want to be serving. !include_try /usr/share/dovecot/protocols.d/*.protocol 
protocols = imap pop3 lmtp # SSL/TLS support: yes, no, required 
ssl = no # PEM encoded X.509 SSL/TLS certificate and private key. 
# These are used for all services that use SSL/TLS. ssl_cert = 
ssl_key = 
passdb { driver = passwd-file 
args = scheme=CRYPT username_format=%u /etc/postfix/virtual-users } userdb { 
driver = static args = 
uid=vmail gid=vmail home=/var/mail/%d/%n allow_all_users=yes }  

Make sure that these sections are uncommented (do not have a # at the beginning of each line) and modify them according to your needs.

Enabling SSL/TLS encryption for secure email retrieval

Email transmission over the internet is not secure by default, which means that anyone can intercept and read your emails. To prevent this, we need to enable SSL/TLS encryption for secure email retrieval.

In the `dovecot.conf` file, set the `ssl` parameter to `yes`. This will enable Dovecot to use encrypted connections for incoming emails.

Creating a user database with hashed passwords

Dovecot requires a user database to authenticate users when they try to retrieve their emails. We can create this database using a plain-text file or an external database like MySQL or PostgreSQL. For simplicity, we'll use the plain-text file method in this example.

Create a new file at `/etc/dovecot/users` and add the following lines−{PLAIN}password1::::::{PLAIN}password2::::::  

Replace `` and `` with your own virtual domain users' email addresses and set their passwords accordingly.

Configuring mail_location parameter to specify where emails are stored

We need to specify where Dovecot should store incoming emails. We can do this by setting the `mail_location` parameter in the `dovecot.conf` file. By default, it's set as follows −

mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u   

This tells Dovecot to store mail messages in mailbox format (`mbox`) in each user's home directory (`~/mail`).

For our virtual domain users, we want to store their emails in separate directories based on their email addresses. To do this, change the line above to−

mail_location = maildir:/var/mail/virtual/%d/%n     

This will store emails in the `maildir` format in the `/var/mail/virtual/` directory, with subdirectories for each domain (`%d`) and user (`%n`).

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Common issues that may arise during configuration such

Sometimes, even after following all the steps correctly, issues may arise during the configuration of Postfix and Dovecot. Some of the common issues that users face are incorrect virtual mailbox mapping, wrong SSL/TLS certificate configuration, or mismatched passwords.

If any of these issues occur, it is crucial to check the log files for debugging data and error messages. The log files can be found in /var/log/mail.log for Postfix and /var/log/dovecot.log for Dovecot.

These files contain information about any errors or warnings during startup or operation. If there is an issue with virtual mailbox mapping, ensure that it is configured correctly in Postfix's file.

Ensure that you have updated your DNS settings to include the hostname used in your virtual mailbox mappings. If you are facing an SSL/TLS certificate error while attempting to connect to your email server using Dovecot, first check if you have set up a valid SSL/TLS certificate for your domain using Let's Encrypt or another certificate authority.

If there is an authentication issue such as a password mismatch between the user database and email client software during login attempts please double-check all passwords. Remember that passwords are case-sensitive with no extra spaces included.


Configuring Postfix and Dovecot with virtual domain users on Linux can be challenging but rewarding. Understanding how they work together to provide secure email communication will make handling web applications more straightforward while maintaining confidentiality and security standards necessary in many business operations today. With careful attention paid to each step outlined above when configuring your email servers' settings on Linux distributions like Ubuntu Server 18.x/20.x LTS releases will prove successful!

Updated on: 11-Jul-2023


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