How to concatenate two strings in Golang?

The simplest way to concatenate two strings in Golang is to use the "+" operator. For example,

Example 1

package main
import (
func main() {
   str1 := "Hello..."
   str2 := "How are you doing?"
   fmt.Println("1st String:", str1)
   fmt.Println("2nd String:", str2)

   // Concatenate using the + Operator
   fmt.Println("Concatenated String:", str1 + str2)


It will produce the following output

1st String: Hello...
2nd String: How are you doing?
Concatenated String: Hello...How are you doing?

Concatenate using strings.Join()

strings.Join() is a built-in function in Golang which is used to concatenate a slice of strings into a single string.


Its syntax is as follows −

func Join(stringSlice []string, sep string) string


  • stringSlice – The strings to be concatenated.
  • sep – It is a separator string that is to be placed between the slice elements.

Example 2

Let us consider the following example −

package main
import (
func main() {
   // Initializing the Strings
   m := []string{"IndexByte", "String", "Function"}
   n := []string{"Golang", "IndexByte", "String", "Package"}

   // Display the Strings
   fmt.Println("Set 1 - Slices of Strings:", m)
   fmt.Println("Set 2 - Slices of Strings:", n)

   // Using the Join Function
   output1 := strings.Join(m, "-")
   output2 := strings.Join(m, "/")
   output3 := strings.Join(n, "*")
   output4 := strings.Join(n, "$")

   // Display the Join Output
   fmt.Println("\n Joining the slices of Set 1 with '-' delimiter: \n", output1)
   fmt.Println("\n Joining the slices of Set 1 with '/' delimiter: \n", output2)
   fmt.Println("\n Joining the slices of Set 2 with '*' delimiter: \n", output3)
   fmt.Println("\n Joining the slices of Set 2 with '$' delimiter: \n", output4)


It will generate the following output −

Set 1 - Slices of Strings: [IndexByte String Function]
Set 2 - Slices of Strings: [Golang IndexByte String Package]

   Joining the slices of Set 1 with '-' delimiter:

   Joining the slices of Set 1 with '/' delimiter:

   Joining the slices of Set 2 with '*' delimiter:

   Joining the slices of Set 2 with '$' delimiter:

Example 3

Let us take another example.

package main
import (
func main() {

   // Defining the Variables
   var s []string
   var substr string
   var substr1 string
   var result string
   var output string

   // Intializing the Strings
   s = []string{"This", "is", "String", "Function"}
   substr = "..."
   substr1 = " "

   // Display the input slice of strings
   fmt.Println("Input Slice of Strings:", s)

   // Using the Join Function
   result = strings.Join(s, substr)
   output = strings.Join(s, substr1)

   // Displaying output of Join function
   fmt.Println("Joining with '...' delimiter:", result)
   fmt.Println("Joining with ' ' delimiter:", output)


It will generate the following output −

Input Slice of Strings: [This is String Function]
Joining with '...' delimiter:
Joining with ' ' delimiter: This is String Function

Updated on: 10-Mar-2022

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