How to Complete The UPSC Syllabus in 3 Months/6 Months?


Many students and UPSC aspirants want to know how to complete the UPSC syllabus in 3 months, however, it is expected that if you have to do a big job in less time then more work has to be done in less time by you.

Those who believe that the UPSC syllabus cannot be completed in 3 months are wrong because it is possible. In the context of this, we have given you detailed information in today's article on How to complete the UPSC syllabus in 3 months or 6 months.

So let's start and get information regarding it-

Can The UPSC Syllabus Be Completed in 3 Months/6 Months?

It would be wrong to say that it is impossible to complete the UPSC syllabus in 3 months/6 months, but yes! We must say that this is a very challenging task, and on the ground, you will have to face many challenges while completing UPSC Syllabus in 3 months.

UPSC preparation demands time and dedication from you, but if you are short of time, for whatever reason, then these are some of the hurdles that you will face while trying to complete the UPSC syllabus in 3/6 months −

  • Time Management: If you try to finish UPSC Syllabus in 3/6 months then the hurdle of time management will bother you.

  • Depth of Information and Knowledge: If you try to finish the UPSC syllabus in 3/6 months, you will never be able to understand the depth of knowledge, and you will not be able to cross this hurdle. You have to come to terms with it.

  • Giant and Comprehensive Syllabus: When you try to finish the syllabus in 3/6 months, you will come to know that the UPSC syllabus is not a small one. This in itself is a huge and colossal syllabus that is very difficult to complete in 3 months, but possible.

  • Pressure and Stress: When you try to complete the UPSC syllabus in 3/6 months then you will face tremendous pressure and stress. This pressure and stress will work to break you mentally and physically.

  • Lack of Sleep: It is essential to be mentally fit to prepare for any exam, and lack of sleep can make you mentally ill. You will have to face this while completing UPSC syllabus in 3/6 months.

  • Lack of Revision: While completing the UPSC syllabus, you will not be able to revise as much as required in 3/6 months. However, there is a possibility that you may not be able to do even a single complete revision.

  • Facing Difficulty Remembering Information: It is very difficult to cram an ocean of knowledge into your head in 3/6 months, and you may not even know what knowledge will slip out of memory in the process.

  • Lack of Practice: You will always feel a lack of practice while completing the huge syllabus of UPSC in just 3 months.

  • Availability of Study Material: Completion of the UPSC syllabus depends on the study material as well. You can hardly find such study material which can help you to complete the entire UPSC syllabus in 3 months. For this, you have to study only and only through study notes.

  • Personal Commitments: Even in 3/6 months you will have to compromise with work, business, family, illness, and many more personal commitments and responsibilities. And they have to be managed in the best way. The reason for this is that you will have only 3 months to prepare for UPSC, which is not enough time.

These are all the difficulties that you may have to face while completing UPSC Syllabus in 3 months or 6 months. Now we tell you what you have to do to complete UPSC syllabus in 3 months or 6 months.

How to Complete UPSC Syllabus in 3 Months/6 Months?

If you want to clear UPSC Syllabus in 3 months or 6 months, then you have to cover all these points with complete dedication-

  • You must be making a practical study plan, under which daily schedule, weekly target, and monthly target will be included.

  • You need to start your preparation from the basics and cover the foundation as soon as possible.

  • Keeping the topics that are more important on priority, you have to prepare for the exam based on the affiliation of the topic with the exam.

  • One has to try to understand the point of information or knowledge regarding any issue because it is impossible to cram the ocean in 3 months. However, after understanding the concept of the subject and topic, you will be able to reach the extent to finish the syllabus in 3 months.

  • Use technology and online resources extensively for your preparation. Write the knowledge in short form, and use such short notes for revision from time to time.

  • Make a habit of reading newspapers every day, and stay up to date with current affairs.

  • Let us tell you that not only do you have to prepare for the exam in less time, but also during the exam, you have to write a lot of answers in less time. That's why you have to start preparing for essay writing and try to write more in less time so that the speed and quality of your writing can increase. You also have to improve your handwriting.

  • Use mnemonic techniques while remembering important dates and factual information.

  • After the completion of the whole day's studies, revise the whole day's studies as soon as possible. You have to revise each day's study at the end of each day to finish the entire syllabus in 3 months.

  • You will have to solve previous years' question papers, as well as regularly take mock tests, which will keep telling you about your preparation level.

  • Identify your strength and use them, and identify your weakness and work on them.

  • Try to stay away from distractions like social media, television, and unnecessary phone calls. If you can use them in connection with the preparation, then definitely do it.

  • If you have to finish the syllabus in 3 months, it does not mean that you have to study continuously for three months without stopping. You need to take breaks from time to time and make sure that you are getting enough sleep.

  • Discuss the topics with other UPSC aspirants, and try to know their perspectives.

  • You will have to utilize the time with the help of intensive study sessions on every weekend.

  • If you can join an online coaching course, then you should do so.

  • Flashcards and mind maps have to be used for revision and remembering facts.

  • Wherever you feel a lack of motivation during the entire preparation, then you have to remember that the ultimate aim of your preparation is to clear UPSC.

  • Try to keep your body healthy, do regular exercise, eat healthy food, and also give enough rest to the body.

  • Set realistic targets for yourself and your preparation, and try to achieve them.

  • Learn to use diagrams, charts, and graphs during essay writing, and try to convert any complex topic into simple words.

  • Whatever is taught during lectures and classes, write it down in simple words and revise it.

  • Take your practice tests from time to time, and check your progress.

  • Focus on time management and practice time-bound exercises from time to time.

  • Use alternative study methods like audio-video resources to strengthen your preparation.

  • Pay more attention to the most asked frequently asked topics.

  • Try to do your hobbies and extra activities from time to time, so that your mind can be fresh.

  • In the end, you have to try to stay positive so that you can stay focused. This focus of yours will save you from giving up in bad times.

If you follow all these rules, then the chances of completing the entire UPSC syllabus in just 3 months will be very high.


In today's article, we have given you the information in detail that how to complete the UPSC syllabus in less time. Although it is not impossible to complete the UPSC syllabus in less time, it is quite difficult. For this, you have to work 4 times more than usual.

If you have less time left to do UPSC preparation, then by following the methods mentioned by us, you can do UPSC preparation efficiently. All the methods mentioned by us are completely practical and any student can easily complete them. If you want to ask any questions regarding this, then you can express your opinion in the comment box.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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