How To Combine Multiple Cells Into A Cell With Space, Commas Or Other Separators In Excel?

In Microsoft Excel, combining the contents of multiple cells into a single cell with separators like spaces, commas, or other characters can be a valuable data manipulation and analysis technique. This helps the user to create concatenated strings that bring together information from different cells in a structured manner.

In this tutorial, we will explore two methods—the CONCATENATE function and the ampersand (&) operator—to combine cells with various separators. Using a simple example, we demonstrate how to combine multiple cells into one cell with space, commas, and other separators.

Method 1: Using the CONCATENATE Function

The CONCATENATE function in Excel allows the user to combine text or values from multiple cells into a single cell. Follow these steps to combine cells with the CONCATENATE function with space as a separator:

Step 1: Select a cell where you want the information in different cells to be combined in.

We select cell E1.

Step 2: In the active cell, paste or enter the formula mentioned below.

Microsoft Excel formula to combine multiple cells in one cell using the CONCATENATE function and space as the separator:=CONCATENATE(A1, " ", B1, " ", C1)

Mention the cells you want to combine, with space in between “ “ . In this case we combine cells A1, B1, and C1.

Step 3: Press control + shift + enter to apply the formula.

The contents of the specified cells will be combined into a single cell, separated by the chosen separator.

Method 2: Using the Ampersand (&) Operator

The ampersand (&) operator provides a simpler and more concise way to combine cells in Excel with space as a separator. Here's how to use it:

Step 1: Select an active cell.

Step 2: Paste or enter the formula to combine cells in one specific cell with a determined separator.

Microsoft Excel formula to combine different cells in one specific one with space as a separator:=A2 & " " & B2 & " " & C2

Step 3: Click on enter to execute the formula.

Choosing the Right Separator

When combining cells, choosing the appropriate separator is crucial for readability and data interpretation. Consider the following separators and their implications:

  • Space ( “ “ ) : Using space as a separator is helpful when combining text or words that need to be visually distinct from one another.

  • Comma ( “,“ ) : Commas are commonly used to separate values in lists or data sets. They are particularly useful when merging numerical or categorical data.

  • Hyphen ( “-“ ) : Hyphens can be used to denote ranges or intervals, making them suitable for combining cells with numerical or date values.

  • Custom Characters: Excel allows you to use any desired character as a separator. This flexibility enables you to tailor the separator to your specific needs, such as using a pipe symbol ( “|” ), an underscore ( “_” ), or any other character.

You can modify the separator within the quotation marks in either of the two methods mentioned above. We show you the result when the CONCATENATE formula in method 2 is modified to have commas as separators.

In this case the formula will be: =CONCATENATE(A3, ",", B3, ",", C3)


Combining multiple cells into one cell with separators in Excel provides an efficient way to consolidate and organize data. Whether you choose to use the CONCATENATE function or the ampersand (&) operator, these methods empower you to merge cell contents without any errors and separators of your choice.

Always consider the nature of your data and the desired presentation format when selecting the appropriate separator like space, commas, or other separators. Master MS Excel techniques with Tutorials Point and streamline your data analysis workflow today!

Updated on: 27-Aug-2023


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