How to combine dataframes in Pandas?

To combine dataframes in Pandas, we will show some examples. We can easily combine DataFrames or even Series in Pandas. Pandas is an open-source Python Library providing high-performance data manipulation and analysis tool using its powerful data structures. A Data frame is a two-dimensional data structure, i.e., data is aligned in a tabular fashion in rows and columns.

Combine DataFrames using Inner Join


Let us combine the dataframes using inner join in Python

import pandas as pd # Create Dictionaries dct1 = {'Player':['Jacob','Steve','David','John','Kane'], 'Age':[29, 25, 31, 26, 27]} dct2 = {'Rank':[1,2,3,4,5], 'Points':[100,87, 80,70, 50]} # Create DataFrame from Dictionary elements using pandas.dataframe() df1 = pd.DataFrame(dct1) df2 = pd.DataFrame(dct2) print("DataFrame1 = \n",df1) print("\nDataFrame2 = \n",df2) # Combining DataFrames using inner join res = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1, join='inner') print("\nCombined DataFrames = \n",res)


DataFrame1 = 
Player     Age
0  Jacob   29
1  Steve   25
2  David   31
3   John   26
4   Kane   27

DataFrame2 = 
Rank  Points
0     1     100
1     2      87
2     3      80
3     4      70
4     5      50
Combined DataFrames = 
Player     Age  Rank  Points
0  Jacob   29     1     100
1  Steve   25     2      87
2  David   31     3      80
3   John   26     4      70
4   Kane   27     5      50

Combine DataFrames using append()


In this example, we will us combine the dataframes using append() in Python

import pandas as pd # Create Dictionaries dct1 = {'Player':['Steve','David'], 'Age':[29, 25,]} dct2 = {'Player':['John','Kane'], 'Age':[31, 27]} # Create DataFrame from Dictionary elements using pandas.dataframe() df1 = pd.DataFrame(dct1) df2 = pd.DataFrame(dct2) print("DataFrame1 = \n",df1) print("\nDataFrame2 = \n",df2) # Combining DataFrames using append() res = df1.append(df2) print("\nCombined DataFrames = \n",res)


DataFrame1 = 
Player     Age
0  Steve   29
1  David   25

DataFrame2 = 
   Player  Age
0   John   31
1   Kane   27

Combined DataFrames = 
Player     Age
0  Steve   29
1  David   25
0   John   31
1   Kane   27

Combine DataFrames using concat()


In this example, we will us combine the dataframes using concat() in Python −

import pandas as pd # Create Dictionaries dct1 = {'Player':['Steve','David'], 'Age':[29, 25,]} dct2 = {'Player':['John','Kane'], 'Age':[31, 27]} # Create DataFrame from Dictionary elements using pandas.dataframe() df1 = pd.DataFrame(dct1) df2 = pd.DataFrame(dct2) print("DataFrame1 = \n",df1) print("\nDataFrame2 = \n",df2) # Combining DataFrames using concat() res = pd.concat([df1, df2]) print("\nCombined DataFrames = \n",res)


DataFrame1 = 
Player     Age
0  Steve   29
1  David   25DataFrame2 = 
Player     Age
0   John   31
1   Kane   27
Combined DataFrames = 
Player     Age
0  Steve   29
1  David   25
0   John   31
1   Kane   27

Updated on: 15-Sep-2022


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