How to Combine Agile and Traditional Methodologies?

What is an Agile Methodology?

Agile is a wayto manage a project in the most effective way possible with the involvement of software development. It involves teamwork, collaboration, constant feedback, and flexibility to respond to continuous changes. Agile methodology requires a cultural shift in the organization and as its team operates with smaller teams, several skeptics worry about certain issues. Lack of accountability might be one of the reasons why multiple smaller teams are formed.

While there are tons of different project management approaches, the right approach should be made keeping in mind the requirement and the nature of the project.

The key differences between Agile and Traditional methodologies are as follows −

  • Planning

  • Design and Development

  • Testing

  • UAT.

Basically, these are the sequences of project phases.

There are a few common aspects between Agile principles and Traditional project management principles. They are as follows −

  • Interaction of individuals over processes and tools

  • Client collaboration over contractual negotiation

  • Following a rigid plan and adapting to change.

Difference between Agile and Traditional Methodology

Earlier for small and medium scale projects Agile approach was beneficial whereas for large-scale projects traditional approach was preferred. With the combination of both, now both types can be tackled.

Linear and Iterative Approach

Agile project management is divided into smaller sprints, are 'hands-down' more flexible as compared to traditional project management. The sequence of phases in Agile is iterative whereas in traditional methodologies is linear.

Client and Customer Involvement

The involvement of client is higher in the Agile management than in the Traditional approach. Customers are also involved right from the time the project begins; whereas in the traditional approach the customers are involved in the earl stage but not after the project starts.

Problem Escalation

In case there is an issue in the project working, the entire team works together to solve it in the agile management; whereas in the traditional approach, the issue is right away escalated to the higher managers.

Model Preference

Agile methodology in a project prefers adaption model; whereas traditional approach go for anticipation.

Reasons to Consider Combination of Agile and Traditional Methodologies

Time is evolving, and Agile methods are becoming increasingly popular. However, the combination of Agile methodology with traditional projects will give organizations a huge advantage of the best of both worlds and will help individuals get the best solutions. Combining both Agile and Traditional methods with a smarter approach without any compromise will help utilize the benefits of both.

You can figure out how it all works together, execute, to management, to clients, and everything. To answer this, we have a few aspects that would explain its benefits in the following ways −

Constant Feedback

The combination of Agile and Traditional methodology will allow constant feedback that will help provide a better output. Thereby, this, introducing these changes will get the projects extremely easy and convenient. There will be higher acceptance of flexibility and feedback in this new method.

Better Initiation Plans

Instead of jumping from one environment to another, consider the usage of an integrated middleware solution. Many organizations function in an environment where the traditional process is preferred. But with the changing time and technologies evolving, it will get a better opportunity if combined method of both these techniques are used.

Also, it would additionally be a new experience and along with great challenges and learning. This will enable the project to be initiated with new strategies and increase the expectancy of a better output.

Easy and Convenient

The traditional method is an old approach, whereas the agile method is a new and enhanced approach that works iteratively. Using a hybrid method lets the project manager follow the plan and make changes when required taking into consideration both the approaches.

The traditional approach follows a plan whereas Agile promotes changes. The combination helps to visualize the whole thing, for instance, you know exactly what needs to be done and how long everything should take.

Faster and Easy Delivery

When a blend of both these methodologies are applied in a project, it helps the people involved determine whether a project is too volatile or too ambiguous. It basically determines the complexity level of a project which ultimately enhances productivity, hence resulting to faster and convenient delivery of the projects. It will help in giving predictable and early deliveries. Also, it will give a boost in the involvement of clients.

Promote Unity and Mutual Development

The agile methodology being a new approach attracts more clients than the ones adhering to traditional approaches. Yet, there are a few scenarios where clients are attached to deep-rooted ways of working. Taking into consideration such aspects, the combination of both these approaches could enable everyone to work in a way that is familiar and fulfils their needs. Hence, it will promote unity and mutual development of employees and the clients.

The combination will also lead to the focus on processes more than the product and less focus on formal and directive processes.


This combination of technologies will surely enhance the project to be completed in a certain period of given time. Even in the occurrence of order, everything needs to be done.

What one should do is take ideas and combine these different elements, pick and choose what works well for you.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2022


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