How to Clean a Linux Zombie Process


A Linux zombie process is a process that has completed execution, but its parent process has not yet collected its exit status. These processes can cause system slowdowns and memory leaks if left unaddressed. In this article, we will discuss how to clean up a Linux zombie process and prevent them from occurring in the future.

Checking for Zombies

In order to check for zombies, you can use the command "ps aux | grep Z" in the terminal. This command will display all processes that are in the zombies state, showing the process ID (PID), the parent process ID (PPID), and the command that was used to start the process. The output will look something like this −

1234 5678 /usr/bin/myprogram
2345 6789 /usr/bin/anotherprogram

In this example, the two processes with PID 1234 and 2345 are in the zombies state and were started by the commands "/usr/bin/myprogram" and "/usr/bin/anotherprogram" respectively.

Another command that can be used to check for zombies is "ps -eo pid,ppid,stat,comm" . This command will display the process id, parent process id, status and command name.

It's a good practice to regularly check for zombies and take necessary actions to clean them up.

Killing the Zombie Process

Once you have identified the zombie process using the command "ps aux | grep Z" or "ps -eo pid,ppid,stat,comm" , you can kill it using the command "kill PID" where PID is the process ID of the zombies process. This command sends a signal to the process to terminate, and the process will be removed from the system.

For example, if the PID of the zombies process is 1234, you would use the command "kill 1234" to terminate the process.

It's important to note that killing a zombies process will not affect the parent process. The parent process will continue to run as normal and will not be aware that the child process has been terminated.

Additionally, you can use the command "kill -9 PID" to forcefully kill the zombies process. This command is used when the process does not respond to the regular "kill" command.

It's also important to keep in mind that killing a zombies process is a temporary solution and it's better to prevent them from occurring by properly handling child processes in your program.

Preventing Zombies

To prevent zombies from occurring in the future, it is important to properly handle child processes in your program. When a child process completes execution, the parent process should collect its exit status using the wait() or waitpid() system calls. This will ensure that the parent process is aware of the child's exit status and can properly clean up the child process.

There are several ways to prevent zombies from occurring in the future −

  • Properly Handling Child Processes − When a child process completes execution, the parent process should collect its exit status using the wait() or waitpid() system calls. This will ensure that the parent process is aware of the child's exit status and can properly clean up the child process, thus preventing zombies from forming.

  • Properly Handling Signals − If a program receives a signal to terminate, it should properly clean up any child processes before exiting. This can be done using the signal() or sigaction() system calls.

  • Using the "waitpid()" function − The waitpid() function can be used to wait for a specific child process to exit. This function can be used to ensure that the parent process is aware of the child's exit status and can properly clean up the child process.

  • Using the "reaping" option − When a child process exits, the operating system can automatically clean up the process and release any resources that it was using. This feature is known as "reaping" and can be enabled by setting the "SA_NOCLDWAIT" flag when registering a signal handler for the "SIGCHLD" signal.

  • Regularly Monitoring and Cleaning − Regularly monitoring and cleaning up zombies process can prevent them from causing slowdowns and memory leaks. One can use the command "ps aux | grep Z" or "ps -eo pid,ppid,stat,comm" to check for zombies and take necessary actions to clean them up.

It's crucial to keep in mind that preventing zombies is a better approach than killing them as it saves resources and avoid system slowdowns.

Additionally, it is important to properly handle signals in your program. If a program receives a signal to terminate, it should properly clean up any child processes before exiting. This can be done using the signal() or sigaction() system calls.


Linux zombies process can cause slowdowns and memory leaks if left unaddressed. By identifying and killing zombies, and properly handling child processes and signals in your program, you can prevent these issues from occurring in the future. Remember, it's a good practice to regularly monitor and clean up any zombies process in your Linux system to ensure optimal performance.

Updated on: 25-Jan-2023

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