How to Choose Solar Panel for Home?

The increasing demand of electricity cannot be met through conventional ways of generating electricity. To fulfil the electricity demand, several new methods have been developed. Solar panels are one of the most common of them.

A solar panel is a semiconductor device that can convert sunlight into electricity. This light to electricity conversion is based on the principle of photovoltaic effect. Thus, solar panels are also known as photovoltaic systems. In a solar panel, there are multiple PV or solar cells used that absorb the sunlight and produce electricity. This electricity is stored in rechargeable batteries and supplied as per needs.

In this article, we will learn the basics of solar panels and will understand how we can choose a solar panel for our home to meet the electricity needs.

What is a Solar Panel and How Does It Work?

A solar panel is a group of multiple solar or photovoltaic cells connected together as a unit and generates electricity from the sunlight. A typical solar panel consists of multiple solar cells which made of semiconductor material like silicon and generates electrical energy by absorbing solar energy directly from the sunlight. The following figure depicts a real image of a solar panel.

In today’s environment and cost sensitive world, the solar panels are one of the most valuable devices for generating clean and cost-effective electricity.

Let us now understand how does a solar panel generates electricity from sunlight. There is a photoelectric phenomenon called photovoltaic effect which is used to design solar panels to generate electricity from sunlight. The solar panels consist of a large number of solar cells made of certain kind of semiconductor materials that when exposed to sunlight, produce electricity. This generated electricity is stored in batteries for later use.

When required, this stored energy is taken from the batteries and converted into AC using inverters and used to operate electrical appliances.

Components of a Solar Panel

A typical solar panel consists of the following major parts −

Solar or Photovoltaic Cells

PV cells or solar cells are the fundamental components of a solar panel. As they are entirely responsible for transforming energy from sunlight into electrical energy. In practice, the solar cells are made up of crystalline silicon. However, several other materials like thin-film materials can also be used for solar cell manufacturing.

Protective Layer

A protective layer made up of tempered glass is another important component of a solar panel. This is used for encapsulating the solar cells and protect them against environmental impacts due to moisture and dust.

Back sheet

It is provided on the back/rear side of the solar panel to provide insulation against humidity and temperature variations.

Structural Frame

It is the mechanical structure that provides support and strength to the solar panel so that it can handle adverse environmental conditions like wind, snow, rain, etc.

Junction/Terminal Box

This is provided at the back side of the solar panel. It contains all the electrical components like connectors.

Conducting Cables

These are used for connecting solar cells to storage batteries or electrical load.

Working of Solar Panels

The working of solar panels is quite straight forward as explained below −

  • First of all, the sunlight falls on the surface of the solar panel and is absorbed by the solar cell material.

  • Due to the absorbed sunlight, the electrons in the solar cell material get excited and become free and create an electric current.

  • This generated electricity by the solar panels is the direct current (DC) electricity, which is stored in batteries for later use.

  • This DC electricity is converted into alternating current (AC) electricity with the help of an inverter and used to power electrical appliances.

Let us now discuss how to choose a right solar panel for our home.

Selecting the Right Solar Panel for Home

Solar panels are the emerging solution for house owners who are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and electricity bill amount. Although it is quite complex to select a right solar panel for our home, as it involves various factors to consider.

In this section of the article, I will try to explain some important factors that you need to consider for selecting the right solar panel for your home, so you can make a wise decision while buying a solar panel for your home and fulfil your energy demand.

Determine Your Energy Demand

Under this analysis, you should take the following actions −

First of all, you should study your energy consumption over the past year. For this, you can go through your electricity bills to determine your monthly and annual energy demand patterns.

Next, you have to determine your energy goal. In other words, you have to identify how much of your energy need you are supposing to meet by solar panels. For example, whether you are aiming to completely eliminate your dependence on the supply grid or you are looking to supplement your energy demand with solar energy.

Once you have determined your energy demand, then you need to calculate the size of the solar panel that can fulfil your energy needs effectively. Also, you should consider other factors like roof space availability and orientation, as these factors also affect the solar panel size.

Consider Different Types of Solar Panels

In this step, you should explore different types of solar panels available in market, and analyze their performance, efficiency, benefits, cost, etc. Some of the commonly available solar panels are listed here −

Polycrystalline Solar Panels

These solar panels are popular due to their affordability. The polycrystalline solar panels are constructed from silicon crystals and better suited for areas with high temperatures. These panels offer lower efficiency as compared to other types of solar panels.

Monocrystalline Solar Panels

The monocrystalline solar panels are also known as Mono PERC solar panels. These solar panels have higher efficiency than polycrystalline solar panels and require less space. Hence, they are better options for homes with limited roof space. Also, these panels work efficiently in low-light conditions. But they are relatively more expensive.

Half-Cut Solar Panels

These are new technology solar panels designed to provide enhanced efficiency and better performance. However, these are more expensive than polycrystalline solar panels but they offer long-term cost saving due to high efficiency.

Consider Quality and Warranty of Panel

Next, you should also consider the quality of the panel and warranty coverage. For this you can do the following −

Buy from Reputed Manufacturer

Research about popular manufacturers of the solar panels available in market and compare their background, certifications, and customer reviews. This is an important step in buying a solar panel because a reputed manufacturer with a proven track record can give you a high quality and reliable product.

Look for Good Warranty Coverage

It is also important to get information about warranty coverage of the solar panels. Try to get a solar panel with good warranty period, ideally around 25 years. The warranty should cover defects, performance issues, and degradation over time so that you can get maximum benefits for your investment.

Check the Efficiency of Solar Panel

You should also check for the solar panel efficiency because it is the measure of ability of the panel to convert solar energy into electricity. You always choose a solar panel with higher efficiency so that it can produce more electricity per unit area.

Also, a solar panel having higher efficiency can generate more electricity consistently even in lower sunlight intensity or during cloudy days.

Consider the Location

The location where the solar panel is to be installed also play an important role as it significantly affects its performance. So, while selecting a solar panel for our home, we should consider the location-based factors like sunlight exposure, climate, and temperature fluctuations, so that we can pick a right solar panel.

Selecting a Solar Panel: Miscellaneous Factors

We should also consider the following important factors while selecting a solar panel for our home −

Consider the capital cost required for solar panel installation. It should be such that we get overall return on investment in long-term.

It is also important to check that the solar panel meets the industry standards and certifications. It is recommended that you should pick the certified products only because they are considered to deliver consistent performance and meet the quality standards.

While picking up a solar panel for your home, you are advised to read customer reviews and testimonials. As these reviews give you an idea about the actual information like performance, durability, efficiency, etc. of the solar panel.

You should obtain quotations from multiple manufactures or suppliers of solar panels, so that you can compare price, service cost, etc. and make a wise decision.

You can also consult to an experienced solar panel expert to get a personalized guidance to get recommendations about the most suitable solar panel for your home.


This is all about solar panels and the factors that you should consider to select a right solar panel for your home. In this article, I explained everything about solar panel and different important factors which are crucial in solar panel selection.

In conclusion, to pick a right solar panel for your home, you are required to carefully consider various factors like energy demand, type of the solar panel, efficiency, location conditions, cost of panel, etc. This detailed article on “How to Choose Solar Panel for Home?” helps you in decision-making process for buying and installing a solar panel in your house.

Updated on: 22-Apr-2024


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