How to Check CPU Temperature on Linux?


Monitoring CPU temperature on a Linux system is essential for maintaining optimal performance and preventing hardware damage. The CPU (central processing unit) is the brain of your computer, and it generates heat as it processes data.

Over time, this heat can cause your CPU to slow down or even fail altogether. By monitoring your CPU temperature, you can identify potential issues before they cause permanent damage to your system.

Understanding CPU Temperature on Linux

CPU temperature is a measure of how hot the processor is running and is an important metric for computer performance. The faster a processor works, the more heat it generates, and if the temperature rises too high, it can lead to problems like system instability or even hardware failure. Therefore, monitoring CPU temperature is crucial to ensure that your system runs optimally.

Why CPU Temperature Matters

When the CPU temperature gets too high, it can lead to performance issues because processors run slower under high temperatures. Thermal throttling occurs when a processor automatically reduces its speed to control its temperature; this can result in slower load times and sluggish performance.

In extreme cases of overheating, hardware damage or permanent failure may occur. This is why it's essential to monitor your system's CPU temperatures regularly.

Sensors Used to Measure CPU Temperature on Linux

Linux uses various sensors embedded within different components of a computer to measure its overall temperature. The two most common types of sensors are −

  • CPU thermal sensors − These are located inside the processor itself and track its core temperatures as well as other critical parameters such as voltage levels, fan speeds, and power usage.

  • Motherboard sensors − These are spread throughout your motherboard and track ambient case temperatures, cooling fan RPMs (revolutions per minute), voltages across the board's components like RAM or hard disks.

These sensors provide real-time data about how hot your computer is running at any given time.

Checking CPU Temperature Using Command Line Tools

Introducing Popular Command Line Tools

One of the easiest ways to check CPU temperature on Linux is through command line tools. The most popular tools for this task are lm-sensors, hddtemp, and psensor. Lm-sensors is a tool that provides information about hardware sensors on your system, including CPU temperature.

Hddtemp is a tool that can read the SMART data from your hard drive and report the temperature of the drive. Psensor is a graphical front-end for lm-sensors that provides real-time information about various hardware sensors.

Explaining How to Install These Tools on Various Linux Distributions

Installing these tools will vary depending on which Linux distribution you are using. For example, Ubuntu users can simply open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get install lm-sensors hddtemp psensor" to install all three tools at once.

Arch Linux users can use "pacman -S lm_sensors hddtemp psensor". Consult your distribution's documentation for specific installation instructions.

sudo apt-get install lm-sensors hddtemp psensor
pacman -S lm_sensors hddtemp psensor

Walking Through Step-by-Step Instructions for Using Each Tool to Check CPU Temperature

Once installed, using these tools to check CPU temperature is fairly straightforward. For lm-sensors, run "sensors" in the terminal and it will output all detected sensor data including the current CPU temperature.

For hddtemp, run "sudo hddtemp /dev/sda" (replacing /dev/sda with your hard drive's device name) to get its temperature reading. Psensor provides real-time information in a graph format with detailed information about each sensor listed below.

sudo hddtemp /dev/sda

Using these command line tools is an easy way to check CPU temperature on Linux without any fancy GUIs getting in the way. With these steps outlined above you should now be able to install these tools and start monitoring your CPU temperature for better performance, longevity, and peace of mind.

Checking CPU Temperature Using GUI Tools

Popular GUI Tools for Checking CPU Temperature on Linux

The command line tools covered in the previous section are powerful and versatile, but not everyone is comfortable using the terminal. Fortunately, there are a variety of GUI tools available that make checking CPU temperature on Linux easy and accessible.

Some popular options include GNOME Sensors Applet, Xfce4 Sensors Plugin, and KDE System Monitor. These tools provide an intuitive interface for monitoring system temperature and can be customized to display additional information about your hardware.

How to Install GUI Tools for Checking CPU Temperature

Installing these GUI tools is relatively straightforward on most Linux distributions. For GNOME Sensors Applet, you can typically install it from the default software repository by running a command like "sudo apt-get install sensors-applet" or "sudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-sensors".

sudo apt-get install sensors-applet


sudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-sensors

For Xfce4 Sensors Plugin, you may need to enable the appropriate repository first before installing it with a command like "sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel && sudo yum install xfce4-sensors-plugin". The KDE System Monitor is usually included by default in KDE-based distros.

sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel && sudo yum install xfce4-sensors-plugin

Step-by-Step Instructions for Using Each Tool to Check CPU Temperature

Once installed, each tool provides an easy-to-use interface for monitoring system temperature. In GNOME Sensors Applet, simply right-click on the panel and select "Add to Panel" then choose "Hardware Sensors Monitor" in the list of applets. This will add a new icon to your panel that displays current temperatures and allows you to configure alarms or customize its appearance.

For Xfce4 Sensors Plugin, right-click on your panel and select "Panel > Add New Items" then scroll through the list until you find "Sensor Plugin". Click on it and drag it onto your panel where you want it displayed.

You can then configure its settings by right-clicking on it and selecting "Properties". The KDE System Monitor is even simpler.

Just open it from your applications menu or by pressing the "Ctrl+Esc" key combination, then navigate to the "Sensors" tab. This tab will display all of your system's temperature sensors along with their current readings.

Advanced Techniques for Monitoring CPU Temperature

Alerts and Thresholds

While monitoring CPU temperature is important, it can be tedious to constantly check your system's temperature readings. Fortunately, there are tools available that allow you to set up alerts when temperatures reach certain thresholds.

This can be useful for users who want to ensure their system stays within safe operating temperatures without having to manually check the temperature readings themselves. One popular tool for setting up alerts is "psensor".

Logging Data Over Time

If you want a more in-depth understanding of how your system's CPU temperature changes over time, logging data can be a useful technique. This involves recording temperature readings at regular intervals over a specific period of time and then visualizing that data in a graph or chart. The "lm-sensors" package includes a tool called "sensors-detect" which can detect and configure sensors on your system.

The package also includes "sensors" command which allows you to view real-time sensor data (including CPU temperature) on your terminal screen. You can use third-party tools like "Grafana" or "Kibana" (both free and open-source) to generate graphs based on this data.

Additional Resources

If you're interested in learning more about advanced techniques for monitoring CPU temperature on Linux systems, there are many online resources available. The websites of hardware vendors like Intel and AMD offer detailed information about how their processors operate under different thermal conditions.


In this article, we have discussed the importance of monitoring CPU temperature on Linux systems. High temperatures can cause performance issues and may even lead to hardware damage if not addressed promptly.

We explored various methods for checking CPU temperature, including command line tools like lm-sensors and GUI tools like GNOME Sensors Applet. It is important to regularly monitor CPU temperature to ensure that your system is running smoothly and prevent any potential hardware damage.

Updated on: 31-Aug-2023

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