How to Change the Style of a Tag Title Attribute?

The title attribute of the <a> tag is a significant facet of web design that furnishes supplementary information about a link when a user hovers over it. Nonetheless, the pre-existing style of the title attribute may not always comply with the visual appeal of a website, compelling designers to investigate ways to personalize it. In this write-up, we will examine various tactics and approaches accessible to adjust the style of the <a> tag title attribute. By the conclusion of this article, you will have a more comprehensive comprehension of how to implement this uncomplicated yet potent modification to enhance the complete user experience of your website.


In order to adjust the style of the title attribute of an <a> tag using JavaScript, one must initially acquire the <a> element by either its ID or class name. Subsequently, the getAttribute method must be employed to retrieve the value of its title attribute. Henceforth, it is possible to form a fresh HTML component, like a <span> tag, and appoint the title attribute's value to its innerHTML property. Afterwards, you can manipulate the style properties of the newly created component to customize the appearance of the title text. Ultimately, by assigning the outerHTML attribute of the <a> tag to the HTML representation of the fresh component, you can replace the value of the title attribute with the updated element.


The following code exhibits a method of altering the presentation of a tag's title attribute using CSS. It encompasses a style block that puts into effect a group of regulations to any <a> tag that has a title attribute and that the user is hovering over with their mouse. Precisely, when this condition is met, an ::after pseudo-element is appended to the <a> tag, which presents the text of the title attribute using a specified font size and color. The pseudo-element is also assigned a background color and border radius that sets it apart from the other content on the webpage. By utilizing this technique, you can augment the visual charm of your website and equip users with additional information and interactivity.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to Change the Style of a Tag Title Attribute?</title>
      a[title]:hover::after {
         content: attr(title);
         font-size: 14px;
         color: white;
         background-color: blue;
         padding: 5px;
         border-radius: 5px;
   <h4>How to Change the Style of a Tag Title Attribute?</h4>
      <a href="" title="Visit"></a>
</p> </body> </html>

File output a title style.gif is going to be inserted here.


In conclusion, customizing the display of the title attribute within the <a> tag can enhance the user's encounter by providing additional information in a visually attractive and easily understandable way. Employing CSS, you can facilely tweak the dimensions of the font, the coloration of the font, the coloration of the background, as well as other attributes of the tooltip of the title attribute to align with the overall schema and persona of your website. It’s noteworthy that although these modifications can ameliorate the look and feel and user-friendliness of your website, it's imperative to guarantee that the information disclosed in the title attribute is accurate, brief, and pertinent to the associated content. By maintaining these scrupulous deliberations, you can fabricate enchanting and edifying annotations that will amplify the utility and comeliness of your website

Updated on: 07-Sep-2023

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