How to change the height of br tag?

The <br> tag is a commonly used HTML element for adding line breaks in web content. Nevertheless, on occasion, the pre-existing altitude of a line discontinuity could be deemed inadequate, hence necessitating the augmentation of the gap between successive lines of written material. In this discourse, we shall explore various methodologies to modify the height of a <br> tag, encompassing the utilization of CSS line-height property and the addition of supplementary line break elements. Regardless of whether you are an unskilled or a skilled web developer, this handbook will furnish you with a comprehensive comprehension of how to adapt the height of a <br> tag in your web designs.


We are going to see two different approaches to apparently change the height of the br tag. They are as follows −

  • Using CSS line-height Property

  • Adding Additional Line Breaks

Method 1: Using CSS line-height Property

The standard technique to modify the height of a line break is to utilize the CSS property known as line-height. This property is employed to regulate the height of a text line, and it can also be employed on the parent element of the <br> tag to expand the gap between lines.

This block of code presents an HTML document comprising of a header that states the undertaking to be done, and a paragraph component containing a couple of lines of written language, with the use of a "br" tag to segregate them.The CSS style applied to this paragraph element specifies a "line-height" of 3, which causes the vertical spacing between the lines of text to be three times the height of a regular line.


The following is the final code which we are going to make use of in this example −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to change the height of br tag?</title>
      p {
         line-height: 3;
   <h4>How to change the height of br tag?</h4>
      This is some text in line 1.
      This is some text in line 2.

Method 2: Adding Additional Line Breaks

Another method for changing the height of a line break is to add additional <br> tags. This will create more space between lines of text, and it is particularly useful when the line-height property is not sufficient.


The following code is an effortlessly crafted sequence of instructions.It can be discerned that a plethora of <br> tags have been utilized to augment the perceptibility of the <br> tag's vertical span between two sequential lines of written or printed matter.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to change the height of br tag?</title>
   <h4>How to change the height of br tag?</h4>
      This is some text in line 1.
      This is some text in line 2.


In summation, the vertical dimension of a <br> tag can be modified by employing the CSS line-height attribute and supplementing with supplementary line break elements. Mastery of the art of adjusting the height of a <br> tag is an essential aspect of web development and a remarkably advantageous ability that enables the creation of visually captivating web content with exceptional line spacing.

Knowing how to change the height of a <br> tag is important for the optimization of user experience on your website. By adhering to the methods laid out in this piece of writing, you can capably modify the height of a <br> tag to suit the requirements of your particular undertaking.

Updated on: 28-Mar-2023

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