How to change the Certificate's friendly name using PowerShell?

Suppose we know the Thumbprint of the certificate then we can use the below command to update or change the certificate's friendly name.


$cert = Get-ChildItem `
   -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My\43E6035D120EBE9ECE8100E8F38B85A9F1C1140F
$cert.FriendlyName = "mysitecert"

The above command will update the certificate-friendly name to "mysitecert". If you don't know the thumbprint or how to retrieve it, you can use different properties like Subject name, friendly name, etc.


$cert = Get-ChildItem -path `
   |  where{$_.Subject -eq "CN=mysite.local"}
$cert.FriendlyName = "mysitecert"

Updated on: 18-Mar-2021

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