How to change GitHub Repo’s Language?

Change GitHub Repo's Language and embark on a journey to optimize our projects for better visibility and collaboration. In this comprehensive article, we will explore how to change the language of a GitHub repository. Whether a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding the process of modifying the linguistic library of our project is essential. We'll delve into various methods and provide step-by-step examples to ensure we can easily follow along. By the end of this article, we’ll have gained valuable insights on how to optimize our GitHub repositories for better visibility and collaboration, outranking other websites in Google search results.

Importance of Linguistic Libraries in GitHub Repositories

A linguistic library in the context of GitHub repositories refers to the programming language used for writing the code. It is crucial to choose the appropriate language for our project, as it impacts readability, maintainability, and overall performance. Developers must consider factors such as the project's requirements, community support, and compatibility with existing codebases.

Steps to Changing the Linguistic Library in our GitHub Repository

Below are the steps we will follow to change the linguistic library in the GitHub repository −

Updating the Repository Settings

To change the language of our GitHub repository, begin by modifying its settings. Follow these straightforward steps −

  • Visit the GitHub repository.

  • Select the "Settings" tab situated on the right side of the repository page.

  • Scroll down to the "Options" segment.

  • Within the "Options" menu, locate the "GitHub Pages" section.

  • Under "GitHub Pages," find the "Source" dropdown menu.

  • Pick the preferred programming language from the dropdown menu.

  • Click "Save" to implement the alterations.

Updating the File Extensions

Once we have modified the repository configurations, the subsequent action is to verify that our code files possess suitable extensions for the new programming language. For example, when transitioning from JavaScript to Python, modify the file extensions from .js to .py to match the new language requirements. This ensures seamless integration and proper functioning within the chosen language environment.

Refactoring the Code

Simply altering the file extensions won't automatically transform the code to the selected language. It's essential to manually refactor the code to match the syntax and semantics of the new language. Go through each file meticulously, line by line, and make the required modifications. Additionally, utilize language-specific tools and resources to aid in the refactoring process efficiently.

Updating Dependencies and Packages

Switching the language could demand alternative prerequisites and bundles. Make certain to upgrade the project's bundles to meet the new language's criteria. Employ the suitable package manager for the chosen language to accomplish this task. Additionally, backup our project before making any significant changes.

Testing and Debugging

After the code has been restructured and the dependencies upgraded, it is essential to perform extensive testing and debugging. This will help pinpoint and resolve any potential issues that may have emerged during the migration. Additionally, consider implementing automated tests to ensure ongoing stability and reliability.

Alternative Methods to Change GitHub Repo's Language

Apart from the direct method we discussed above, there are alternative approaches to changing the language of our GitHub repository. Let's explore some of these methods −

GitHub Import Tool

GitHub provides an "Import repository" option, enabling the transfer of repositories from alternative version control systems while maintaining commit history. While this process doesn't directly alter the language, it proves beneficial when considering a project rewrite in the preferred language. Additionally, the feature streamlines the migration process, ensuring a smooth transition and continuity in the project's development history.

Git Branch

Creating a new Git branch and rewriting the code in the preferred language is another approach. This way, we can keep the original repository untouched while developing the new version in the chosen language. Once the new version is ready, we can merge it into the main branch.

Collaboration with Other Developers

If refactoring the entire project seems overwhelming, consider collaborating with developers experienced in the desired language. Their expertise can accelerate the transition and ensure high-quality code.

Practical Examples of Changing GitHub Repo's Language

To provide we with a better understanding, let's walk through two practical examples of changing the linguistic library of a GitHub repository.

Example 1: Switching from Java to Kotlin

Suppose we possess a GitHub repository coded in Java and desire to transition it to Kotlin. Below is a step-by-step illustration of accomplishing this task −

  • Revise Repository Settings − Adhere to the aforementioned instructions to alter the repository's language to Kotlin.

  • Modify File Extensions − Rename all .java files to .kt files.

  • Transform the Code − Manually refactor the Java code into Kotlin syntax, capitalizing on Kotlin's succinct and expressive qualities.

  • Update Dependencies − Adjust the build.gradle (or pom.xml) file to incorporate Kotlin dependencies while eliminating any Java-specific ones.

  • Test and Troubleshoot − Perform comprehensive testing on the Kotlin code, ensuring its seamless functionality, and meticulously debug any encountered issues.

As Kotlin and Java are interoperable, we can gradually introduce Kotlin into our existing Java codebase, allowing a smoother transition.

Make use of automated tools and Kotlin plugins for popular IDEs, as they can aid in the conversion process and provide useful suggestions during refactoring.

Embrace Kotlin's modern features, such as null safety and data classes, to enhance the robustness and readability of our codebase.

Example 2: Switching from Python 2 to Python 3

Suppose we have a GitHub repository written in Python 2 and want to update it to Python 3. Follow this example −

  • Update Repository Settings − Change the repository's language to Python 3.

  • Update File Extensions − If our Python 2 files have a .py extension, they will still work with Python 3. However, if our code uses any Python 2 specific syntax, we must update it to be compatible with Python 3.

  • Refactor the Code − Go through the codebase and modify any Python 2 specific syntax or libraries to their Python 3 equivalents.

  • Update Dependencies − Ensure the project uses Python 3 compatible versions of libraries and packages.

  • Test and Debug − Thoroughly test the code on Python 3, addressing any errors or inconsistencies that arise.


In conclusion, changing the linguistic library of our GitHub repository is a vital process that can significantly impact our project's success. By following the step-by-step guide and exploring alternative methods, we can seamlessly transition our code to the desired language. Remember to thoroughly test our project after the changes and collaborate with experienced developers if needed. With these insights, we'll be well-equipped to optimize our GitHub repositories, ensuring they outrank other websites in Google search results, ultimately boosting visibility and collaboration within the development community.

Updated on: 08-Aug-2023

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