How to calculate the frequency of each item in a Pandas series?

In this program, we will calculate the frequency of each element in a Pandas series. The function value_counts() in the pandas library helps us to find the frequency of elements.


Step 1: Define a Pandas series.
Step 2: Print the frequency of each item using the value_counts() function.

Example Code

import pandas as pd

series = pd.Series([10,10,20,30,40,30,50,10,60,50,50])
print("Series:\n", series)

frequency = series.value_counts()
print("\nFrequency of elements:\n", frequency)


0     10
1     10
2     20
3     30
4     40
5     30
6     50
7     10
8     60
9     50
10    50
dtype: int64

Frequency of elements:
50    3
10    3
30    2
20    1
40    1
60    1
dtype: int64

Updated on: 16-Mar-2021


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