How to calculate the cumulative sum / running total of a column in Excel?

The calculation of the cumulative or running total is used to watch the summation of numbers which is updated every time when a new number is entered into the sequence in an excel sheet. In this tutorial, you will learn how to calculate the cumulative or running total of a column in an Excel sheet.

Calculating the Cumulative Sum of a Column in an Excel Sheet

Using the formulas, you can get the cumulative total or running total of a column in a Microsoft excel sheet. Kindly follow the below steps to understand this clearly.

Step 1

Open a Microsoft excel sheet and enter the data as shown below you can also enter the data as per your wish. Kindly find the below screenshot for your reference.

Step 2

Now you need to enter the below given formula into a blank cell beside your data and press enter key to get the result of the cumulative sum or total as shown in the below screenshot for your reference.

Step 3

Now you need to select the formula cell and drag the fill hand down to the cell where you want to apply this formula to get the result as shown in the below screenshot for your reference.

Note − In the above given formula, the cumulative totals in the rows below the last value in column B show the same cumulative total. Here if you do not want to show anything, you can use the below given formula. Kindly follow the below given screenshot for your reference.



In this tutorial, we used a simple example to demonstrate how you can calculate the cumulative sum or running total of a column in an Excel sheet in the quickest possible time.

Updated on: 06-Feb-2023


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