How to Calculate Optimal Blocksize to Use With dd in Linux

The optimal block size to use with the dd command in Linux depends on the specific use case and the hardware that you are working with. However, as a general rule of thumb, it is best to use a block size that is a multiple of the disk's physical block size, as this can lead to better performance.

To determine the physical block size of a disk, you can use the fdisk command with the -l option. This will list all the partitions on the disk, along with the start and end cylinders, and the block size.

For example, to determine the physical block size of a disk located at /dev/sda, you would use the following command −

fdisk -l /dev/sda

Once you know the physical block size, you can use that information to choose an appropriate block size for the dd command. If you are copying a large file, using a larger block size can be more efficient as it reduces the number of read and write operations needed.

Here is an example of how to use the dd command with a block size of 4MB −

dd if=/path/to/input bs=4M of=/path/to/output

You can experiment with different block sizes to see which one gives you the best performance on your specific hardware. Remember that the optimal block size can vary depending on your use case and the specific device you are working with.

Using the stat Command

The stat command in Linux is used to display detailed information about a file or directory, such as its permissions, ownership, timestamps, and size. The command can be used to display information about one or more files or directories.

The basic syntax for using the stat command is −

stat [options] file

Here are some examples of how to use the stat command

To display information about a file called example.txt −

stat example.txt

To display information about a directory called my_directory −

stat my_directory

To display information about a file in a more human-readable format −

stat -c "%n %U %G %s %y %x %A %F" example.txt

To display information about a file with the file system block size −

stat -f example.txt

To display information about a file and links count

stat -c "%n %h %t %T %u %g %X %Y %s %b %i" example.txt

You can use the stat command with several options to get more information or format the output in a different way. The option -c is allowing to display the output in a user-defined format. The man page of stat command is a good reference for more options and formatting.

Using tune2fs

tune2fs is a command-line utility in Linux for modifying the parameters of a ext2, ext3, or ext4 file system. It can be used to change the parameters of a file system without the need to unmount it, which makes it useful for adjusting the settings of a file system that is currently in use.

The basic syntax for using tune2fs is −

tune2fs [options] device

Here are some examples of how to use tune2fs

To check the file system state on a device called /dev/sda1 −

tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep "Filesystem state"

To enable automatic file system checking on a device called /dev/sda1

tune2fs -c 1 /dev/sda1

To check the number of mount count before a check runs on the device

tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep "Mount count"

To set the maximum number of mount count before a check runs on the device to 10 −

tune2fs -C 10 /dev/sda1

To disable the last access time (atime) updates

tune2fs -o noatime /dev/sda1

There are many other options you can use with tune2fs, such as changing the file system label, setting the reserved blocks percentage, and adjusting the time between checks.

It's important to have a backup before you start using this command, and make sure you understand the implications of the changes you make, as they can cause unexpected behavior or even data loss.

It's recommended to use tune2fs only on ext2, ext3, or ext4 file systems, and avoid using it on other file system types like NTFS, XFS and Btrfs.


The dd command in Linux is a powerful tool for performing low-level data copies and backups. When using dd, it's important to choose an appropriate block size for your specific use case and hardware in order to achieve the best performance.

The stat command is also a useful tool for displaying detailed information about files and directories in Linux. It can be used to view permissions, ownership, timestamps, and other properties of a file or directory.

Lastly, tune2fs is a command-line utility that can be used to modify the parameters of a ext2, ext3, or ext4 file system without the need to unmount it. With tune2fs you can adjust filesystem's parameter such as mount count, file system check, file system label, reserved block percentage, and atime updates. However, it's important to have a backup and understand the implications of the changes before using it, and it's best used on ext2, ext3, or ext4 file system types.

Updated on: 24-Jan-2023

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