How to calculate average speed from distance and time in Excel?

In a typical scenario, we are able to easily calculate the average speed in an Excel worksheet by using the formula Speed = Distance / Hours. However, there are situations in which the hours are not represented by numbers but rather a time format, how would you handle this work in Excel?

In this tutorial, we will use a simple formula to calculate the average speed based on the distance travelled and the amount of time spent doing so.

Let’s understand step by step with an example.

Step 1

In the first step, let us assume we have a sample data for calculating average speed from distance and time as shown in the below screenshot for the same.

Step 2

Simply insert this formula into a blank cell located in the area of the spreadsheet where you wish the result to appear. Please refer to the below screenshot for the same.



Important Note − Please adjust the values of C2 and B2 in the formula that was just presented, these are the distance and the amount of time, respectively.

Step 3

After that, drag the fill handle all the way down to the cells where you want the results to appear. Please check out the below screenshot for the same.

Step 4

After that, you should convert the results from the time format to the general format by selecting General from the drop-down list located in the Number group of the Home tab. Please refer to the below screenshot for the same.

Step 5

Then you will obtain the accurate results that meet your requirements. Please check out below screenshot for the same.

Important Note − Use the following formula to figure out the average speed if you have two different lists of start time and end time to compare.



Here B2 represents Distance, C2 represents Start time and D2 represents End time.


In this tutorial, we explained how you can calculate the average speed from distance and time by using formulas in Excel.

Updated on: 03-Feb-2023

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