How to Brush Your Teeth?

A sparkling smile and glorious teeth are the results of proper care. The basic toothbrushing procedure with which we all start our day is an important routine. Washing and combing too in preparation for the day should be hygienic. How one brushes and the type of toothbrush and paste used are essential. Will it be a manual or electric toothbrush? Small or big? Soft or hard bristles? How many times to brush daily? Read this tutorial to find out the answers.

Objectives of Effective Daily Brushing

While everybody brushes their teeth every day, many don't realize the objectives of effective daily brushing.

Bacteria and plaque constantly gather on the tooth surfaces and the gums too. The plaque gradually erodes the teeth and leads to cavities and gum disease. It might be gingivitis, tooth decay, and even periodontal disease.

Loss of teeth is common, leaving a gap or installing artificial teeth. A dentist will clear up any doubts about the dangers. Incorrect brushing could lead to abrasion with tooth surfaces getting worn. Toothbrushes with hard bristles too can cause damage to the teeth and gums. Gum tissues might also suffer from rough brushing, and it might result in tooth sensitivity.

Materials Required

The materials required are a soft toothbrush and preferably fluoride toothpaste. Use a mouthwash disinfectant solution and flosser too. Clean water will be required in each case. According to the climate, it might be warm or cold water.

Finding the Right Toothbrush

Soft nylon bristles work best to remove plaque without damage to the gums or tooth enamel. The head should reach every part of the mouth and teeth. Manual toothbrushes will do as well as electric ones with the right technique. Avoid toothbrushes with natural hair.

Toothbrushes need to be replaced every few months. Research findings confirm that microbes dwell on toothbrushes and could cause infections. Rinse the brush after use and keep it standing, exposed to air. 

Step 1

Launch a plan of action. Imagine the set of teeth as divided into quadrants. The sections are the top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right.

Step 2

Wet the toothbrush in water first and then apply peanut-sized toothpaste. Many prefer to use a thin strip of toothpaste but avoid excessive paste.

Start with the upper left back teeth called molars, aiming at the front surfaces. A clockwise motion will gradually cover all the front teeth. Concentrate on the outer surfaces that are most visible. Finish the clockwise brushing at the right back teeth’ outer surfaces. Go backward from the right back teeth across the front teeth. You will reach the left back teeth where you started.

A toothbrush can cover 2 or 3 teeth together. The brush position matches the teeth horizontally. A little pressure on the bristles that bend them will be required. The circular strokes cover the upper front surfaces first. Follow up with the lower front teeth surfaces. Repeat the short and circular motions for 60 seconds, 30 for the upper row and 30 for the lower row.

Step 3

Now it is time to clean the inner teeth surfaces. Like the outer surfaces, start with the left top inner back molar surface. Start the gentle clockwise brushing motion that proceeds across the top front inside surfaces and ends at the right top inside surfaces of the molars.

The lingual surface is the inner surface of the front teeth. It needs additional attention. Use the toothbrush tip and flick down from the gum line. Repeat several times.

The lower inside teeth surfaces are next. Start similarly from the left extreme molar end and end at the right molar end. The toothbrush tip flicks upwards from the gum line regarding the lingual surface.

Step 4

The biting edges of the premolars and molars also require attention. Brush those upper and lower edges carefully with several strokes from left to right. 

The tongue needs gentle brushing, too, with the same bristles. Brushing the tongue removes the daily deposit of bacteria and prevents bad breath. The inner cheeks require brief, gentle brushing too.

Step 5

In addition to brushing twice daily, you must floss to eliminate food particles stuck between the teeth. Experts recommend brushing twice a day, early morning and at bedtime. What about flossing? Flossing is recommended daily at bedtime before or after the final brushing. Make sure to make plans that will be easy to keep up, like brushing or flossing after each meal. Brush twice a day, and floss once daily, probably at bedtime. Food particles are cleaned up. Otherwise, they remain in the mouth all night long.

Hold the floss, either end, in each hand. Use the thumb and forefinger. Slide it gently between the teeth. Bend the floss around the tooth. Repeat the process with the different teeth. Avoid hurting the gums. Food particles that the brush does not reach are thus dislodged.

Two minutes of flossing should be fine. According to convenience, floss once each day, morning or night, in addition to brushing.

Step 6

A daily mouthwash completes oral maintenance. Brushing twice daily, flossing once, and mouthwash rinse once. There are lots to do, but the rewards are many. Rinse the mouth and gargle with the mouthwash solution diluted in water.


Toothbrushes, manual or electric, are available in a great number of variety.

  • The sizes and lengths of heads and the softness of the bristles differ. Soft bristles reach every nook in the teeth. Avoid brushes with natural hair because they may develop bacteria.

  • Regarding the toothpaste, use one with a recommended level of fluoride. Fluoride makes the tooth enamel stronger and removes plaque. Avoid swallowing fluoride. Little children had better not use it. Toothpaste advertisings highlight cavities and sensitivity, tartar, and gum problems. Paste that fights stains and gingivitis are others.

  • Flosses too are widely available; they can be of nylon, plastic, rubber, or picks. Mouthwash comes in several categories. Try different types of mouthwash and feel the difference.

Prevention is the best policy. Annual dental check-ups can help avoid serious issues. Try different types of toothpastes and toothbrushes and always brush in front of a mirror to maintain good oral health.

Updated on: 22-Dec-2022


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