How to Block Email Tracking?

Did you know that 40% of all emails sent and received are monitored on a daily basis? To say the least, the data are startling. Email trackers provide senders access to information like when the email was viewed, what device was used, and even the receiver's actual location. It is a flagrant infringement of one's fundamental right to privacy.

What is a Tracking Pixel?

A tracking pixel is a transparent image 11 pixels in size that is placed into your email like any other picture. You won't see it, but it will be downloaded by your device whenever you open the email, just like any

In the most benign scenario, a system utilizes the connection created to download the tracking pixel to verify that the email was read and when it occurred. That, however, is only the tip of the iceberg. Superhuman allows users to utilize tracking pixels to figure out an email recipient's address, and that's before you consider the illegal implications of knowing where someone was and when they read an email. There are methods of preventing the pixels from working - or at least to make their tasks difficult.

What is the Process of Email Tracking?

The email's sender inserts a 1 × 1 pixel picture, known as a pixel tracker, within the message or an attached document. When you open it, the email server sends a request to the server where the picture is kept for that little image. That request discloses the opening time, location, and device, all of which are subsequently forwarded to the sender.

Marketers frequently employ this technology to gain a better understanding of their email subscribers. You might not mind releasing this information if you're opening an email from a business you trust. Using free pixel tracking software, however, almost anybody can monitor you! Have you ever opened an email that you intended to dismiss by mistake? You've already provided your information. Most email providers, thankfully, include a means to disable pixel trackers and halt email tracking.

To deactivate email tracking, just prevent your emails from loading graphics automatically. It's simple to turn off automatic picture downloads. You may do so with a variety of email providers, as explained below.

How to Block Email Tracking Manually?

We have two different ways to block email tracking manually. They are as follows −

Email Hyperlinks

Links in emails are usually suspect, especially if the email's content can only be read by clicking them. You can click on links supplied by individuals you know and trust. However, we do not advise you to click on any of the links.

Solution − Be cautious about clicking on any links in the email.

External Images

In the email, external photographs may be traced. The issue with these photos is that email services download them automatically. To prevent email tracking, you must turn off the option for automated downloads.

Solution − It's simple to turn off automatic picture downloads. You may do so with a variety of email providers, as shown below.

In case of Apple Mail (Desktop)

  • Check your inbox.

  • Navigate to Preferences.

  • Choose the Viewing option.

  • Select "Load remote content in messages" from the drop-down menu.

In case of Apple Mail (iPhone)

  • Activate the Settings app.

  • Scroll down to the Mail section.

  • Go to "Load Remote Images" and select "Load Remote Images."

  • Make sure it's turned off.

In case of Gmail (Desktop)

  • In your Gmail account, go to the settings tab.

  • The pictures option may be found on the general tab.

  • Select "Ask before displaying photos" from the drop-down menu.

  • Save your settings by clicking the button.

In case of Gmail (Android)

  • Open the Gmail app.

  • Go to settings by tapping on the menu.

  • Images to choose from

  • Select "Ask before showing" from the drop-down menu.

Blocking Email Trackers Using Browser Extensions

There are a number of browser extensions available that will identify and prevent emails that include hidden trackers. However, use caution while employing them. They'll need access to your inbox, which means they could or might not be able to scan your messages. You should use ad blockers and script blocker extensions to prevent internet tracking.


In conclusion, it is time to start utilizing a VPN if you don't want to be tracked elsewhere on the Internet.

You may hide your location using a VPN or virtual private network. Companies, Internet service providers, and hackers won't be able to track and log from your geographical location.

Updated on: 11-Apr-2022


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