How to bind events to Tkinter Canvas items?

Tkinter events can be bound with the widgets to perform a set of operations on the widgets. To be more specific, we can also bind an event handler to Canvas Items by using bind(<Button>, callback) method. Binding the event with the canvas item makes a canvas item dynamic which can be customized by event handlers.


#Import the required Libraries
from tkinter import *
import random

#Create an instance of Tkinter frame
win = Tk()

#Set the geometry of the window

#Crate a canvas
def draw_shapes(e):

canvas.create_oval(random.randint(5,300),random.randint(1,300),25,25,fill='O rangeRed2')

#Bind the spacebar Key to a function
win.bind("<space>", draw_shapes)


Running the above code will display a window that contains a Canvas.

When we press the <Space> key, it will generate random shapes in the canvas window.

Updated on: 25-May-2021

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