How to be a good college student?

College life is considered to be an important juncture in the life of a student to learn and explore new horizons of knowledge. however, this is also the stage when a student might lose the track of academics and other important aspects of life. This can change the trajectory of success drastically. To be a good college student, the following are some of the essential points:-

Be Regular In Attendance

This is one point where most of the students actually fail to keep up to the bar. Maintaining regular attendance is essential to not just keep up the 75% attendance mark but also to keep the learning epos and ethos active inside you. Regular attendance surely helps you keep track of the college happenings.

Preparing Proper Notes and Academics

The student should attend the lectures regularly, should maintain good notes in different color pens, participate in the lecture discussions and do proper researchers work. This helps in giving academic achievement to the college student. Academic Achievement if not the most important remains the core component in a student’s life.

Seminars And Workshops

College life becomes unique and different because of the different seminars and workshops that are held by scholars, academicians, experts, etc. This gives different perspectives and hands on - experience for different disciplines. This participation gives a chance to interact with these experts and even fetch internships for work experience in different organizations.

Extra-Curricular Activities

College fests are the most exciting part of college life. For any good student, participating in College fests is indispensable as it helps in developing different skills like collaboration, relationship building, team work, communication, leadership, etc. These skills help in building up employability factor in the student for college placements.

Behavior and Friend Circle

This particular aspect is of utmost importance. The student’s behavior should reflect punctuality, discipline, and respect for his classmates, teaching as well as non-teaching staff. A student’s behavior and the values that s/he reflects upon giving a glimpse into the character of the person. A student has to be humble and stay grounded. A student should also participate in social activities. The student should also maintain a good peer circle who has the same ideas and ambitions.

Updated on: 13-May-2022


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