How to avoid childhood Obesity?

Obesity is a very unhealthy state of the body. Irrespective of the age, obesity should be taken care of as early as possible. The way we lead our life has a major role in becoming overweight at a very early period of life. Our daily food habits, lifestyle changes, day to day activities, number of sleeping hours etc, have a major impact on our body weight and our kid's health.

It is important that one needs to stay healthy and as everybody knows that obesity leads to many abnormal health conditions. If obesity is occurring at a very young age, it is important that we try to control it and stay healthy. One can avoid childhood obesity by taking simple measures:

  • As the child cannot understand this problem at that age, it is important for the parents to understand the child’s obese state and take care of it. They are the ones who should play a major role in their child’s weight loss.

  • Feeding them homemade food, fruits, and vegetables, and avoiding junk and sugary foods is the first step towards their weight loss. Helping the child maintain a proper and balanced diet will aid in weight loss.

  • There need to be goals set for the weight loss. The weight loss should be gradual and not sudden. The weight loss should not demotivate or depress the child.

  • Children should not be allowed to become couch potatoes in front of the TV. They should be encouraged to go out and play.

  • Engaging in physical activities will help in reducing obesity or rather taking up a sport will make weight loss more interesting. Moderate activity of 45 mins/day will be useful.

It is important for the parents to make the child understand the importance of being healthy. Help them develop it as a habit such that they become more independent in this routine. This should be done in innovation and interesting way to make the child understand better. Parents should also spend quality time with their children in their transformation stage.

Currently, there is no way that one can prevent Juvenile or Type 1 diabetes, but you can postpone it by taking certain measures to keep your obesity and blood glucose levels in control.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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