How to Avoid an Emotional Meltdown and what to do when it happens anyway?

“While emotions are vital to us, they can occasionally lead us in the wrong direction and cause harm.”

The essence of everything it signifies to be human is our ability to experience emotions. All the experiences, relationships, and things in our lives are significant because of our emotions. Without emotions, we cannot establish relationships, make friends, or feel compassion, sympathy, or empathy.

Everyone can experience an emotional meltdown in the hectic and overstimulating environment when stress overwhelms us to the point where it dramatically impacts our conduct.

A medical diagnosis is more precise than an "emotional collapse." When we become emotionally overwhelmed or reach our threshold point, it is used to characterize it in public discourse.

What is an Emotional Breakdown?

A significant emotional discomfort that is so great that it overwhelms the person leads to an emotional meltdown. Unmanageable anger or crying out incessantly are just two examples of the symptoms. However, continuing for an extended period might result in sadness, excruciating anxiety, and erratic mood swings.

Because of how diverse the symptoms are and how challenging it is to comprehend and cope with, this is an intense psychological condition frequently disregarded or dismissed.

It is not a pleasurable experience for the person experiencing the meltdown either; many people sense intense regret and regret over their inability to manage their inner feelings or tantrums.

A person can experience an emotional breakdown alone, at the workplace, or even in public. Although specific circumstances tend to bring out our more severe emotional states, what stimulates an individual might not always trigger someone else.

Typical Reasons for Emotional Meltdowns

The reasons why emotional meltdowns arise are specific to the person and the circumstance. Still, certain circumstances increase the probability of a meltdown across many, if not the majority adults. Several of the frequent causes are −

Being Overburdened With Work At The Workplace Or Home

It might be daunting to deal with the sheer volume of items you occasionally have to handle. It can cause a strong emotional reaction in some people, who may say it makes them feel like drowning.


Although if you intake adequate calories throughout the day, spending too long without eating might cause your blood sugar to drop too low, which can make you feel weak, fatigued, groggy, have headaches, and have difficulties concentrating.

Experiencing Exhaustion

Insufficient sleep can cause you to become impatient and angry and more susceptible to stress, especially if it repeatedly happens throughout the night.

Significant Changes In One's Life

We all are habitual creatures. We prefer having guarantees in our lifestyles. Because of this, everyone strives so hard to establish a secure way of life for themselves. Although life does change, these changes are frequently gradual. Occasionally a bigger shift may occur that you are either not yet ready to deal with or are psychologically and emotionally incapable of handling.

Even the most confident and steady among us might get overwhelmed by major life upheavals like the loss of loved ones, a separation, or a relocation to a new country or city. Substantial changes result in more uncertainty and instability.

Problems in Unresolved Relationships

The need to address disagreements as they develop increases with the closeness of the relationship. More small disputes that don't represent significant difficulties in and of themselves, like arguing over what movie to watch, tend to arise as a result of letting tensions fester. Fewer but more conflicts lead to increased stress.

Ways to Cope Up with Emotional Meltdown

Small Exercises

First try a simple breathing technique, and then if things don’t work out, look forward to the more complex solutions and reasonings. Try practicing the five steps in the following controlled breathing exercise to assist you in relaxing −

  • Breathe deeply for three seconds.

  • For four seconds, hold your breath.

  • Count to four as you exhale.

  • Take a four-second pause before inhaling once again.

  • Repetition will help you relax.

Employ Stress-Relieving Habits

A stress-reduction strategy entails setting aside regular time to engage in enjoyable and calming activities like exercise, journaling, laughter, and meditation. The likelihood that you'll experience overwhelming stress is decreased if you consistently deal with daily stressors as they arise instead of allowing them to build up.

Be Aware of Your Body

Medical professionals claim that fatigue, headaches, muscle cramps, and other discomfort and pain are typical physical signs of stress. If you experience any of these warning signs indicating your body is under greater stress than normal, pay attention to them and take action to manage your stress effectively instead of letting it build up inside of you.

Go Outside More Frequently

Studies show that spending time in a naturalistic environment can be calming. It is possible to reduce heart rates and cortisol (the stress hormone) levels by being in proximity to both the views and sounds produced by nature, for example, the gentle breeze blowing, the river flowing, or insects and birds singing their natural melodies.

Start Making Time To Relax And Enjoy

Everyone has to rejuvenate occasionally by doing activities they enjoy, and laughing is a terrific method to reduce stress. A hearty laugh increases circulation, eases muscle tension, and produces feel-good and calming hormones, each reducing the symptoms and effects of anxiety, stress, tension, and mental breakdown.

Never Disregard Unpleasant Or Difficult Emotions

Scrubbing under the rug difficult-to-manage emotions won't make them disappear. You can "tame" a feeling once you can "identify" it, so keep that in mind. You can better manage unpleasant feelings when they arise by understanding their sources and effects and by becoming aware of your sentiments. According to studies, verbalizing emotions can control how your brain reacts to stressful events. This technique is known as "affect labeling."

Talk About It

See whether your nearest and dearest can assist by lifting responsibilities from your already-full plate by engaging their support. You could talk to someone who will listen to you without passing judgmental comments about your concerns.


Our ability to experience emotions is part of what makes us human, yet occasionally they can grow so strong that they leave us feeling panicked, guilty, afraid, or uncertain. How frequently do people genuinely sit down and consider how they are feeling, why they feel that way, and what to do to change it? A psychologist or other psychological health care professional can assist you in understanding how and when to feel less upset or develop an alternative coping mechanism for what is happening if you are feeling overwhelmed. For persons who are struggling with stress, worry, and other challenging emotions, therapists use a variety of treatments.

Updated on: 01-Mar-2023


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