How to autoplay audio on chrome?

As the utilization of the internet progresses, the aptitude to initiate auto-execution of audio on web browsers has become a progressively crucial attribute for web designers. Nevertheless, auto-playing of audio on Chrome, which is one of the extensively utilized web browsers, can be a daunting undertaking for those lacking the necessary technical proficiency. However, equipped with the appropriate tools and understanding of the fundamental technologies, the process of executing autoplay of audio on Chrome can be accomplished with reasonable simplicity. In this write-up, we shall delve into the systematic approach of autoplaying audio on Chrome, encompassing the pertinent HTML, JavaScript, and Chrome-specific settings mandated to accomplish this endeavor. Upon the completion of this article, readers shall possess a robust foundation in the methodologies indispensable for auto-execution of audio on Chrome, heightening their ability to fabricate engaging and immersive web encounters for their users.

We are going to have a look at 4 different ways to autoplay audio on Chrome −

  • Using autoplay attribute

  • Using <iframe> tag

  • Using preload attribute

  • Using loop

Autoplay Attribute

The "autoplay" trait is an HTML feature employed in the "audio" and "video" tags for automatic commencement of playback of the multimedia file during the loading of the web page, without the user requiring to press the play button. This characteristic is usually utilized in websites encompassing abundant multimedia content, enabling a more convenient and satisfying user experience by providing immediate access to the audio or video material without any user input.

<iframe> Tag

The <iframe> element is an HTML tag employed to insert another HTML document or webpage into the existing document. The term "iframe" represents "inline frame." It grants the ability to exhibit external material, like a webpage, a video, a map, or a document, within the confines of your own webpage. The material showcased within the <iframe> is confined within a distinct window or frame situated within the principal webpage. The <iframe> tag necessitates the utilization of the src attribute to specify the URL of the content to be showcased. Additionally, it supports supplementary attributes such as width, height, sandbox, and allowfullscreen to govern the presentation and behavior of the embedded content.

The syntax of the <iframe> tag in HTML is as follows −

<iframe src="URL" width="width" height="height" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>

The key attributes used in the <iframe> tag are −

  • src − Specifies the URL of the content to be displayed within the iframe.

  • width − Specifies the width of the iframe in pixels or as a percentage of the parent container.

  • height − Specifies the height of the iframe in pixels or as a percentage of the parent container.

  • frameborder − Sets whether or not to display a border around the iframe. Use 0 to hide the border and 1 to show it.

  • scrolling − Determines whether to show scrollbars for the iframe content. Use auto to display scrollbars when necessary or yes to always show them.

Method 1: Using Autoplay Attribute

To enable audio autoplay in Google Chrome using the autoplay attribute −

  • Ensure the audio file is in a supported format and hosted on a website allowing autoplay.

  • Add the audio tag to the HTML code, specifying the audio file's source and setting autoplay="autoplay".

  • Configure the audio player with the controls attribute to allow user interaction.

  • The browser will automatically play the audio when the webpage loads.

  • Consider providing additional playback options or allowing manual control to accommodate user preferences and potential encroachments.


The following is the complete code which we are going to have a look at in this example −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to autoplay audio on chrome?</title>
   <h4>How to autoplay audio on chrome?</h4>
   <audio id="audio" controls autoplay>
      <source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
      Your browser does not support the audio element.

Within the aforesaid code, we have affixed the "autoplay" attribute to the "audio" label, which will initiate the automatic commencement of the sound document upon the page's initial loading. Furthermore, we have inserted the "controls" attribute, which furnishes the audio player with the necessary tools such as play, pause, volume, etc. for proper functioning.

Method 2: Using Iframe Tag

To autoplay audio on Chrome using the iframe tag, follow these steps: locate the audio file URL, create an iframe element in the HTML document, set the src attribute to the audio file URL within the iframe tag, include the allow attribute with the value "autoplay" for automatic playback, and customize the iframe's appearance and functionality using CSS styles or additional attributes like width, height, and controls.


In the following code snippet, replace the path with the actual URL or relative path of the audio file that you want to autoplay.

It's important to note that autoplay functionality may be restricted by certain browser settings or policies, especially in Chrome. Chrome introduced autoplay policies to prevent unwanted media playback. However, the autoplay behavior can vary depending on user preferences and browser configurations.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to autoplay audio on Chrome?</title>
   <h4>How to autoplay audio on Chrome?</h4>
   <iframe src="" allow="autoplay" width="800" height="100"></iframe>

Method 3: Using Preload Attribute

To autoplay audio on Chrome with the preload attribute, include an HTML audio element with the src attribute specifying the audio file source. Set the preload attribute to "auto" for immediate downloading upon parsing, increasing the likelihood of autoplay. Alternatively, set it to "metadata" to load only essential information, like duration and track details, before user playback initiation.


The following is the complete code which we are going to have a look at in this example −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to autoplay audio on Chrome?</title>
   <h4>How to autoplay audio on Chrome?</h4>
   <audio src="" preload="auto" autoplay controls>
      Your browser does not support the audio element.

Method 4: Using Loop

To autoplay audio with loop functionality specifically for Chrome browser, we can use the HTML5 audio element. We need to create an audio element in the HTML document using the <audio> tag. Inside the <audio> tag, we specify the source of the audio file using the src attribute. Additionally, we can include the loop attribute to ensure that the audio loops continuously.


The following is the complete code which we are going to have a look at in this example −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to autoplay audio on Chrome?</title>
   <h4>How to autoplay audio on Chrome?</h4>
   <audio src="" autoplay loop controls></audio>

The provided code snippet demonstrates HTML, a markup language for structuring web pages, with a focus on autoplaying audio in Chrome. The code includes a doctype declaration, enclosing html tags, a head section with a title element, and a body section containing a subheading and an audio element. The audio element's src attribute specifies the audio file's URL, while the autoplay attribute triggers automatic playback. The loop attribute ensures continuous repetition, and the controls attribute adds audio controls. When executed, the webpage renders in Chrome, playing the specified audio file automatically for a seamless user experience.


In summary, the application of the abovementioned approach for facilitating autoplay audio on Google Chrome can be regarded as efficacious. Nonetheless, it is pivotal to exercise prudence while employing this attribute as it may result in vexation for certain users. By executing this tactic discreetly, an individual can optimize their audio reproduction experience on the web browser. Ultimately, this accentuates the significance of keeping abreast of the latest attributes and operations of Google Chrome to leverage its abilities to the fullest.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2023

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