How to Automatically Increase a Letter by One to Get the Next Letter in Excel?

Sometimes in Excel, you want to number the items by letters instead of numbers, and tying them manually can be a time-consuming process. We can use the automated process to get the result. When we are increasing the value of a number, we can directly use the auto-fill handle, but if we use the auto-fill handle to increase a letter, it will not work. This tutorial will help you understand how we can automatically increase a letter by one to get the next letter in Excel. This tutorial includes two methods one for a single letter and one for a group of letters.

Automatically Increase Letter by One to Get the Next Letter for a Single Character in Excel

In this case, we enter "A" in the first cell, then the CHAR formula in the cells below, and then use the auto-fill handle. Let us see an effortless process to understand how we can automatically increase letters by one to get the next letter for a single character in Excel.

Step 1

Let us consider a new Excel sheet and enter the first character as shown in the below image.

To get our first result, click on the cell below and type =CHAR(CODE(A1)+1) into the formula box, then hit enter. In the formula, A1 is the address of already existing data.

Step 2

Now drag down from Cell A2 using the auto-fill handle, and our result will be like the below image.

Automatically Increase Letter by One to Get the Next Letter for Multiple Characters

Here we will enter "AA" in the first cell, use the formula, and use the auto-fill handle to complete the task. Let us see an effortless process to know how we can automatically increase letters by one to get the next letter for a combination of characters in Excel.

Step 1

Let us consider a new Excel sheet and enter the first character as shown in the below image.

Step 2

Now click on the below cell and enter the formula as =IF(RIGHT($A1,1)="Z",CHAR(CODE(LEFT(A1,1))+1),LEFT(A1,1)) &CHAR(65+MOD(CODE(RIGHT(A1,1))+1-65,26)) in the formula box and press Enter to get our first result.

In the formula, A1 is the address of already existing data.

Step 3

We can get all the results by dragging down from the first result.


In this tutorial, we used a simple example to show how we can use Excel to highlight a specific set of data by automatically increasing letters by one to get the next letter for single and a combination of characters.

Updated on: 10-Jan-2023

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