How to assign values to variables in Python

Variable assignment is a very basic requirement in any computer programming language. In python there are multiple ways we can declare a variable and assign value to it. Below we see each of them.

Direct Initialisation

In this method, we directly declare the variable and assign a value using the = sign. If the variable is declare multiple times, then the last declaration’s value will be used by the program.


x = 5
x = 9

Running the above code gives us the following result:



Using if-else

We can initialize value of a variable using some conditions. The evaluation of the result of the condition will become the value of the variable.


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x = 12
y = 13 if x > 8 else 0
# printing value of a
print("Value of z is: " + str(y))

Running the above code gives us the following result:


Value of z is: 13

Updated on: 20-Dec-2019

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