How to Apply Makeup on Textured Skin?

Although applying makeup on textured skin can be difficult, there are methods and supplies that can help you achieve a perfect look. With a light exfoliation and a moisturizing moisturizer, prepare the skin first. Avoid using heavy, thick products that might accentuate texture and opt instead for products with a lightweight, buildable consistency. After smoothing the skin's surface with a primer, apply makeup lightly while blending it in well. A setting spray can help seal in the makeup and provide a finish that looks natural.

Step by Step Instruction to Apply Makeup on Textured Skin

Following are the major steps −

  • Prep Your Skin − The first step in any makeup process is to prepare your skin, especially if you have textured skin. You must first wash your face to get rid of any dirt or impurities, then moisturize to hydrate your skin and lay a smooth foundation for your makeup. Using an exfoliating scrub to remove dead skin cells from textured skin can also aid in achieving a smoother surface. Using a primer designed especially for textured skin can also aid in smoothing out the skin's surface and establishing a barrier between your skin and your makeup. Making ensuring your skin is prepared can help your makeup go on smoothly and last longer.

  • Employ A Damp Makeup Sponge − A common method for applying makeup to skin with texture is to use a moist makeup sponge. A damp makeup sponge becomes softer and more malleable, making it easier to blend makeup into the skin. This works especially well for textured skin because it helps to produce a finish that is smooth and even. Just soak a sponge with water, then squeeze out any extra moisture to use it. After that, gently dab the sponge on your skin, mixing it in from the center of your face outward. Avoid dragging or pulling at your skin when applying makeup by using gentle, bouncing strokes. The end result decreases the appearance of texture while maintaining a natural-looking finish.

  • Set Your Makeup − The last step in achieving a perfect appearance on textured skin is setting your makeup. To help keep your makeup in place and stop it from smudging, creasing, or fading during the day, you should use a setting powder or spray. Setting your makeup is especially crucial for textured skin since it helps to manage oil production, reduce the visibility of pores, and smooth out fine lines. To set your makeup, sprinkle a setting spray over your face while holding the bottle several inches away, or lightly dust a loose or pressed powder over your entire face with a fluffy brush. This will ensure that your makeup has a smooth, natural-looking finish and stays in place for longer.

  • Focus On Other Parts Too − If you have textured skin in some spots, you may want to concentrate your makeup application on other parts of your face. If you have textured cheeks, for instance, you can make your eyes or lips the focal point instead than drawing attention to your cheeks. Using a striking lip colour or utilizing eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara to create a dramatic eye appearance can accomplish this. You can achieve a more balanced appearance and lessen the visibility of texture in troublesome areas by concentrating on other parts of your face. In addition, applying highlighter to features like your cheekbones and brow bones can give them a bright appearance, deflecting attention from textured areas.

  • Employ A Colour Corrector − For people with textured skin, using a colour corrector can make all the difference. Inconsistencies like redness, dark circles, and discolouration, which might be more obvious on textured skin, are neutralized by colour correctors. While peach or orange colour correctors might help to hide dark circles, green colour correctors are excellent for balancing redness. Apply a small amount of colour corrector to the trouble spot and blot it out with a soft, fluffy brush or a damp makeup sponge. Apply your foundation or concealer on top once the corrector has been blended out to get a flawless, natural-looking finish. A colour corrector can help to improve the look of texture on the skin and produce a complexion that is more even and luminous.

  • Avoid Wearing a Lot of Makeup − It can accentuate textured skin and make it appear unnatural. It can leave a cakey, uneven finish by settling into pores and small wrinkles. With textured skin, choosing lightweight, buildable solutions is essential for achieving a more natural-looking makeup look. Lightweight compositions enable you to gradually increase coverage, preventing the application of an excessive amount of product at once. This will make the finish look more even and natural-looking while reducing the visibility of texture. Lighter formulations are also less prone to settle into pores and fine wrinkles, which can further emphasize the texture of the skin.

  • Avoid Products with Glitter and Shimmer − While some products may have lovely packaging, they can make the texture of the skin appear more prominent. Glitter and shimmer can settle into pores and fine wrinkles, highlighting them and resulting in a less uniform, more textured look. This is especially true for people with textured skin, since the particles can draw attention to and accentuate areas of unevenness. Use matte formulas that produce a more natural-looking finish as opposed to glitter and sparkly products. Matte formulations minimize the appearance of texture and produce a smoother, more even finish by absorbing light and giving the skin a soft, diffused appearance.

  • Blend, Blend, Blend − When applying makeup on textured skin, blending is an essential step. By blending your makeup, you minimize the appearance of texture and produce a natural, radiant finish. This seamless transition between your skin and your makeup products. Use a moist makeup sponge or a soft, fluffy brush to smoothly blend out your foundation, concealer, and other cosmetics. In order to guarantee that your makeup is blended evenly and smoothly, use circular motions and light pressure. By blending, you may also prevent any sharp lines or edges and produce a finish that looks more natural and draws attention to your own attractive features.

  • Be Gentle − When applying makeup on textured skin, being gently is crucial since it can help stop further skin irritation and deterioration. When applying makeup, it's vital to use mild pressure and stay away from pushing or pulling because textured skin might be more delicate and sensitive. Moreover, utilizing soft, non-abrasive treatments can aid in halting future skin damage. Finally, use a soft, non-abrasive cleanser and avoid making forceful rubbing motions when removing your makeup. You may reduce irritability and produce a more even, natural-looking makeup finish by being gentle with your skin.


It might be difficult to apply makeup to textured skin, but with the appropriate methods and supplies, a perfect appearance is achievable. Anybody may feel confident and beautiful in their makeup, regardless of skin texture, by preparing the skin, selecting the proper products, applying them lightly, and finishing with a setting spray.

Updated on: 18-Apr-2023


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