How to Apply Eyeliner?

If you make a mistake while applying eyeliner, then it can ruin your whole look. This is why it’s crucial to learn how to draw the perfect wings to accentuate the beauty of your eyes. You may need some practice to perfect your precision if you are a beginner. Meanwhile, if you are pretty expert in drawing eyeliners, you can try some cool and tricky styles to draw everyone’s attention toward your beautiful eyes.

Read this tutorial to learn a step-by-step process for applying eyeliner like a professional.

Choose a Liner of Your Choice

You can choose one of the following three types of liners, depending on the kind of look you want −

Pencil Liner for a Natural or Smudged Look

Pencil liners are easy to apply as you can draw with them like any other pencils. You can use the pencil lightly for a natural and subtle look, or if you need smoky or dramatic eyes, you can smudge the pencil a little bit. Pencil liners are generally water-proof and do not run like liquid eyeliners.

Liquid Liner for a Smooth and Precise Look

Liquid liners are best for creating clear and crispy lines with smooth edges. They are available as a marker pen or a vial with an applicator brush. Marker pens are easy to use, but you need some practice to use the applicator brush. A liquid liner allows you to create a wide range of liners- from razor-sharp thin liners to natural to thicker dramatic lines.

Gel Liner for Dramatic Lines

Gel lines are best for drawing dramatic looks like cat-like eyes and wings. As it contains a denser formula, it is available in a pot along with an applicator brush. However, it is not necessary to use the brush that comes with the product. You can use a brush of your choice to adjust your liner'sliner's thickness and area of coverage.

Method 1: How to Apply Pencil Liner?

In method 1, we will discuss step by step how to apply pencil liner.

Prepare the Pencil

You need to sharpen or dull the liner pencil to create a line of your choice. For sharpening, you need a special eyeliner sharpener. Rub the pencil's tip on tissue paper to dull its tip.

Adjust the Temperature

If your pencil feels cold, you may have to warm it up a bit. Similarly, cool it off it's the tip feels softened. A cooler pencil offers smoother and lighter applications, while a warm pencil gives a bold, darker, and pigmented look.

You can warm the pencil, use a hairdryer, and aim it at the tip of the pencil for a couple of seconds. Test the liner on your wrist to check the consistency. Place the liner in the freezer for 10 minutes to cool it.

Draw Your Upper Lash Line

Pull the upper lash line outwards to keep your eyelid in place. Draw a straight line along the upper lash line. Raising your eyebrow can help as it stops your eyelid from blocking your lash line. It's better to start drawing the line from the inner corner of your eyelid toward the outer edge.

Keep your hands steady and create short strokes to hold the line even. For a natural look, consider drawing tight lines. You can apply the liner between the spaces of your upper eyelid lashes.

Draw Your Lower Lash Line

Pull your lower lid by placing the finer as you did with your upper lid. Line the entire lower lash line for a dramatic look, and for a subtle look, keep the lining concentrated on the outer half of the lower lash line.

Method 2: How to Apply Liquid Liner?

Let’s understand how to apply a liquid liner in a step-by-step process.

Shake the Liner & Start

Shake the bottle well to mix the liquid properly. Place the applicator brush close to your upper lash line and draw toward the outer edge of the last line. If you're a newbiew, try with a pencil liner first before going for liquid ones.

Check in the Gaps

Fill in the inner edge of your upper lash line after finishing the outer corner. Now, use small strokes to connect your lines between the inner edges to the outer edge. To remove any mistake, dip a cotton swab in a liquid oil and wipe out the excess liner to smoothen the crooked edges.

Go for a Winged Look (optional)

To add a wing, create an upward stroke from the corner of your eyes following your outer lash line curve. A small wing offers a subtle look, but you can go for longer wings for a more dramatic look. If your hands are not steady, you can use a business card to create a straight line for a wing.

Method 3: How to Apply Gel Liner?

Do you know how to apply gel liner? Here we will discuss the application process of gel liner.


Dip the lip of the applicator brush into the gel liner, ensuring to coat only the edge of the brush. Gel liners dry out quickly, so you need the close the lid of the jar as soon as you finish it. Warm the gel line pot by holding it in your hands if your liner seems a little dry or stiff.

Do the Inner and Outer Corners

Start lining from the inner lash line towards the center and stop there. Then, repeat the process from the outer lash line towards the outer edge. Another option is to create several dots on your lash line and connect them to create a line.

Fill the Center

Fill the center of the lash line using soft and small strokes, ensuring an even line that matches your upper lash line. Sometimes, you must repeat the process several times to ensure a fine and even line. Try using eyeshadows along the edge of the line for a smoky or smudged look.

How to Create a Smoky Cat Eye Look?

Create a base using a neutral tone of eyeshadows followed by a slightly darker shade on your lids and crease. Apply some medium brown eyeshadow on the edges of your eyelids and follow it with black eyeshadow on the same area for a smoky effect. Add a shimmery eyeshadow at the center of the eyelids to brighten your eyes.

Start a line on your upper lash line using black eyeliner. Apply it on the outer and inner edges, followed by filling in the center. Drag your eyeliner past the eyelid and upwards to create a wing. Similarly, follow the curve of your lower lash line to create a bottom wing. Finish your look with mascara and false eyelashes or extensions.

Updated on: 18-Jan-2023


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